twenty five

53 4 0


once i'm sure ayda and nova made it back to the dorms safely, i slowly walk up to joey, deciding now is a great time to be an asshole.

i pat his shoulder from the back, and he turns around, a smile on his face. "hey man, you need anything?" he asks, and my jaw clenches.

"security. i need to check your bag." i get a bad vibe from him. and no, it's not just because he touched my girl, he seriously seems, off.

his eyes widen a little, before returning to normal. "why is that?" he asks, not even asking for proof that i'm fucking security at this place.

i cock my brow. "i need a reason?" "yeah, dude. you do." he laughs, as if it's common sense. i refrain from rolling my eyes and grab the small cross body bag he has, zipping it open.

"hey man! invasion of privacy" i scoff, ignoring him and rummaging through his bag. a smirk crawls on my face, pulling up a little baggie and holding it next to my face. "and this is?" i knowingly ask.

he sighs. "it's not mine, it was obviously planted." i narrow my eyes at his weak fight. grabbing his shoulder with more force then necessary.

"let me escort you out of here, and i won't call the police." i threaten, and his body melts, muttering a string of curse words, reaching for his bag. i pull the bag away from him, my face saying seriously?

"right." he chuckles, before allowing me to walk him out of this place, not one eye batting towards us. wrong choice, joey.

"what's your last name, joey?" i ask, throwing his bag to the ground, keeping his baggie. he hesitates for a second, before replying, "hart"
i nod. "well, mr. hart. mind telling me exactly what you were going to do with these drugs?" i ask, once we're outside the club, and right outside the front doors.

he scratches the back of his head, growing red. "you gonna make me spell it out for you, man?" i shake my head, before asking. "do you even have a degree in engineering?"

he goes to answer, but pausing. "what-?" he cuts himself off, eyes widening. he turns to run but i grab his collar, pulling the dumbass right back to me.

he shivers a little, "she told me she didn't have a boyfriend" he chokes out, and i frown at the reminder. spying on her conversation with joey here was the most infuriating thing i've ever had to do.

"ever heard of denial, mr. hart?" i grunt, dragging him across the concrete floor, not caring how badly his ankles are being scraped right now.

i take him to an alley not far away from the club, and look at the baggie that still in my hands. my eyes look at him, and his face drowns in recognition.

"look, man-" i cut him off before he can finish, opening the baggie and dumping the continents into his mouth. i clamp his lips shut so he doesn't spit the drug's out and he fights in my hold for a couple of seconds before i hear him swallow.

i nod, walking backwards.

my gaze heats when i go over what he was going to do to my girlfriend. he was going to drug, and rape her.

she would've had to go through that, again.

i wrap my hands around his neck, and he chokes, managing to talk a little. "p-please, i wasn't going to do anything b-bad" he struggles to speak, eyes bulging and skin turning pale. and only then, do i let him go.

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