chapter 1

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Rarity is asleep in bed when she is woken up by

knock knock knock

Rarity grumbles and reaches for her sleep mask before Sweetie Belle raritys little sister pushes the door open and skips into the room, a giddy smile on her face.

Sweetie belle: "good morning rarity mother and father said they needed to talk to you about something important"

Rarity: "good morning sweetie ok I'll be up in a minute"

Sweetie belle leaves the room leaving rarity on her own

Rarity rubs her eyes and pulls off her sleep mask. Rarity stretches and then stands up, walking towards the window. She pulls open the curtains to let in the bright morning light, revealing that it's a beautiful day outside.she then walks to her closet to pick out an outfit for the day.

When Rarity opens her closet, she is greeted by a beautiful selection of gowns and other outfits perfect for a princess. She runs her fingers over the fabric and chooses a lace-trimmed dress in a pale blue-green hue. It has a high collar and lace sleeves, but is otherwise simple in cut. Rarity adds  some bracelets and earrings for added flair.

Once done, Rarity steps back and examines herself in the mirror with a satisfied smile. She looks like a true princess.

Rarity walks from her room, her dress swishing behind her, down the hall towards the throne room. She feels nervous about what she is about to face, but tries to remain calm and composed. She knows that her parents will be waiting for her, and she wants to make a good impression. The corridors of the castle are decorated with paintings and tapestries depicting the royal family and their ancestors. Rarity reaches the throne room, takes a deep breath, and opens the door.

Upon entering the throne room, Rarity sees her father, mother, and sister standing in front of the throne. She takes another deep breath and walks forward, feeling both nervous and excited to see what they have to say. She curtsies politely and waits for the king to speak.

The king: "My dear daughter, we have summoned you here to discuss an important matter. You are now at the age where you must start thinking about your future and marriage.

"But... but I'm not ready for marriage. I- I don't even know who the person is! How can you expect me to just go along with this?"

The queen: "My dear, you know that as heir to the throne, you have certain duties and responsibilities that must be addressed. We know that your own desires come second, but we have found you a fine young man who would make an excellent husband and provide you with a life of luxury. You must think of your kingdom first."

Rarity's voice is shaky as she tries to hold back tears.

"Please... you don't understand. I'm not ready for this. I- I can't just let you decide my future for me!"

The king: "My dear, we have decided that you will meet the man you are to marry tomorrow. He is a good and honorable man, and we believe he will make a fitting husband for you. Do not hesitate or question it, but simply accept that this is the way things are."

Rarity starts to cry, her eyes growing red and glassy, as the realization that she has no choice but to accept this marriage sinks in. She turns away from her parents and walks out of the throne room, her dress swishing behind her, she wipes her eyes trying to hide her tears.

( Hey this is my first book please let me know what you think so far, this is set during the medieval period btw)

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