Chapter 60 - Separatable Bond

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"I'm not going to go easy on you, Fel." Danial teased, his emerald eyes staring at Felicia's stance. Both of them were wearing the same gear, the same outfit—a tank top with black track pants.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind at all, Dan." She smirked, her fingers aligned, and gestured a motion to come at her.

After warming up, the two immortals began practicing different types of strikes and dodges. Their movements became increasingly complex and fast-paced. Felicia would strike using her hands, and Danial would dodge. Then, he would strike back, and she would dodge and block. They would exchange blows in quick succession, their movements interwoven, almost like a dance.

Occasionally, Danial would pause and trade advice or tips with Felicia. Their movements would slow down as they shared a laugh or a moment of camaraderie. In response to Danial's playful attitude, Felicia would reply with sarcastic remarks.

As their friendly training progressed, Felicia found her arms increasingly challenged to maintain their previous levels of tenderness. Her muscles began to bulge with tension like a coil of steel as she gritted her teeth, bracing herself in preparation for the sorcerer's next attack. With a fierce grip of her rough hand, she locked her eyes onto her opponent's movements; prepared and ready to defend.

Much to her surprise Felicia was caught off guard when Danial suddenly materialized before her eyes into a flurry of dust. The sparkling green particles of his magical departure lingered in the air, obscuring her view of the sorcerer as he vanished. Distracted, Felicia stumbled out of her defensive stance and quickly spun her strong frame in search of her opponent. "Hey! You said no powers!"

"Knock it off, Dan!" Felicia's piercing golden eyes narrowed, her red locks tossing from side to side as she turned her head to search for the trickster.

With her senses on high alert, Felicia's quick reflexes failed her as a portal erupted into existence, suddenly knocking her to the ground. "Hey!" was all she could manage before her body hit the dirt, her movements and words suddenly silenced by the unexpected action. She began to panic until the touch of soft hands pressed on her sturdy shoulder and neck eased her.

"Your enemy would use tricks and play on you, you must be cautious.". As the sorcerer appeared, his voice echoed so close to Felicia's face that she could practically feel his breath. She felt the weight of his hand on her shoulder, while his other hand moved to hold her head firmly against the soft grass.

"Fine, whatever." Felicia's eyes rolled as Danial's superhuman strength pinned her down, her arms tried to push her up but failed.

"Alright, Dan. You can get off now." She snarked, getting too overwhelmed by the sorcerer's second, gifted ability. Although he does not have the physique of the creator under the black coat, his toned body holds immense strength, not many were aware of it.

"What if I don't want to?" The sorcerer snickered. "What you gonna do?"

"You're heavy, get off."

"Ouch." Danial let out a laugh. He released his arms, but not before seating himself on her stomach, trapping her body beneath him as she turned to face him. As his hands lingered near her head, she watched with a mixture of confusion and apprehension as he slowly placed one hand alongside her cheek.

"Uh, Dan?-" She yanked her face away slowly before his palm made contact with her cheek.

"Just wiping the dirt off." He smirked. "So the training ends here?" He asked.

"Maybe," Felicia watched as Danial smiled at her, but couldn't help the slight flutter of her chest at the closeness of their proximity. The confusion in her eyes was clear as she spoke, trying to hold onto the irritation that had dominated her earlier, "After you tricked me, not sure if I want to continue." She playfully pouted.

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