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Dating skipp hcs

-yall barely get any alone time or peaceful moments so whenever y'all have the chance, you go on long walks together (id imagine it's the same thing for dating stone)

-shares his food with you. Obvi. All of the trio probably would if ur dating them or if ur friends but skipp's the most generous.

-if your hair is long enough he loves to style it. Mostly tries to practice different braiding styles on you.

-loves to give you little smooches and pecks. Will just randomly kiss your hand  or cheek or nose or forehead, ect whenever he feels like it.

-also, he's like, the BEST person to look to for comfort. He'll hold  you in his arms and pet your head, just smiling at you comfortingly as he comforts you and gives you rlly good advice. ("Ermm, actually, it's healthy for your childs development to let them express themselves ☝️🤓" NERD. NERDDDD. AND FUCKING STONE. THEY'RE LITTLE FUCKING BRAINIACS)

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