The Underworld

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"Death Speak"

'Mind link'

It has been a couple of weeks since the poisoning incident and it's almost time to leave Hogwarts for Yule Holidays. I've been spending the majority of the time recovering from the poison since it had damaged my lungs. I was able to start going back to classes last week, which I'm happy about since I finally got to see my friends again.

I've got all of my work done on time since Adonis would go and get it for me. Nagini hasn't left my side ever since. She isn't even hidden. She's at her full size and she's always slithering behind or next to me and when someone gets too close, she hisses loudly.

I appreciate all of their help, but all they've been doing is coddling me like a baby, which is getting really annoying. Nagini, I don't mind so much since all she does is keep watch, but the rest of them are always breathing down my neck.

Today we had Quidditch practice and most of the time I was practicing maneuvers and breathing techniques to make sure I can breathe through the wind and when I'm high up in the clouds if I need to be. Right now, I'm trying to study some spells out of curiosity since I don't have anything else to do and everyone else is busy.

I had started to get bored so I made a portal to the underworld to see if I could find something to do. This is going to be my first time down here since I well... died, but anyways. I walk through the portal and enter the same throne room I did when I died. I look for a door. I couldn't find one since it was a little dark here. I pushed my magic out to lead me to Adonis since one, it would help me out of the room and two, I don't want to get lost wandering all by myself.

As I started walking, I found a door to the left of me which led into a wide hallway. I was trying to find where the light was coming from and saw that the chandeliers had candles in them. The hallway had black walls, brown wood floors, and guards lined up against the wall. They didn't move when I walked past them, so I guess they know who I am. After walking the long hallway, I turned right and then walked down to the door that said, "Creature Room." I put my head against the door to see if I could hear any noises coming from inside. I could slightly hear barking and laughter from inside.

I knocked on the door and the sounds stopped. I heard walking then the door was opened. I looked up and saw Adonis looking at me with an unimpressed look. "What?" I asked.

"What are you doing in the underworld?"

"I was bored." I say with a shrug as I push past him.

"I can see that, but you've never been here before. You could've gotten hurt or worse killed."

"But I'm fineee. See? No scratches or bruises." I say as I twirl around.

"I don't care. I don't want you coming down on your own again unless I know that you'll be absolutely safe." he says with a frown.

I start to look down feeling guilty that I caused him to worry so much. "Just next time let me know that we can come together. Ok?" he says with a sigh.

I nod my head. I keep my head down. I didn't mean to make him upset, and I feel really bad. I was going to turn around and leave when he grabbed my hand. Obviously, I look up and I see him holding a black hellhound puppy with a big smile on his face. "For me?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Yup. All for you. Go ahead and give her a name."

He puts her into my hands, and she starts barking and licking my face. I started to giggle because it tickles. "I think I want to go with my family's tradition and name her after a star."

I start to think since there's so many stars in the sky to choose from. "How about Carina?"

She starts barking and wagging her tail. Adonis starts to laugh at her. "Your name also means beloved which means you shall be dearly loved no matter what." I say with a smile on my face.

I start to lean back on the wall as she plays with my fingers. "Does she burst into flames?" I ask.

"She does, but that isn't until she's an adult which won't be for 2 years. Why?"

"Ok. It doesn't matter. I was just curious since from what I've read and known from my last life they're known to be made of hell fire."

"They don't stay on fire the whole time. The fire is controlled. It's like an off and on switch really."

I nod my head in understanding. "What time is it in the mortal realm?"

"It should be just around dinner time. You can stay here and eat if you would like to."

"I've only been here for a couple of minutes. How'd time move so fast?" I was shocked.

"Time in the Underworld moves by quicker and slower. It just depends on how I feel, really. One point in time 30 seconds on Earth was equal to 30 years in the Underworld."

"Wow... I would hate to be here when that was happening."

"I mean, it wasn't that bad since there wasn't anyone that I was looking forward to seeing, but now that you're here time doesn't go as slow as it used to since I have you to look forward to seeing every day." he smiles.

I smile back at him showing much more teeth this time. "Wait. I thought this was the creature room. Where are the rest of the creatures at?"

"I only bring them here when I play with them or if they need help with something."

"So, what will your answer be?"

I get up with Carina and walk towards the door. I look back with a smile and say, "I think I'll stay for dinner."

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