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I storm out of the hospital wing.
Who does Regulus think he is? Trying to tell me I don't know my own best friend? I think I know Sirius better than anyone, I spend the most time with him after all, I'm the one who stays up with him on the nights his nightmares won't leave him alone. I'm the one who he shares all of his secrets with, of course I know him well!
Why does Regulus always try to pick fights? I was simply making a fucking suggestion and he gets all defensive as usual, so I just removed myself from the situation, but now all I am is angry.
I get to the Gryffindor Common Room, still in a mood and Sirius and Remus aren't there, I assume they're together somewhere but right now I don't really care.
"Who got your knickers in a twist?" Asks Lily
"Not in the mood to talk right now, Lils" I reply
"We don't have to talk, there are other things we can do to pass the time" Lily states seductively, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth.
I think this is exactly the way I should expel my excess energy.
"You sure that's what you want to do?" I ask
"I think that it's exactly what I want to do" Lily replies, leaning in and trailing kisses down my neck. I lift her chin with my forefinger and dip my head down to capture her into a kiss.
"Jump" I say
"Come again?" Asks Lily
"I said Jump" I reply
Lily doesn't question me again, she jumps and I catch her mid air, bringing her closer to me as she wraps her legs around my waist. "Oh I like this" Lily says before diving straight back in for another kiss.
I smile against her lips as I turn and walk to the stairs, carrying her up them "mine or yours" I ask
"Mine" Lily replies against my lips.
I continue up the stairs until I reach her dorm room. I kick the door open and thankfully it's empty. I kick the door shut behind me and walk over to her bed before I lay her down on it, immediately pushing myself between her legs.
She's wearing a dress which she looks so good in, but it also gives me some leverage. I kiss down her chest, I pull at the chest of her dress to expose her breast so that I can swirl my tongue around her nipple which causes her to inhale sharply and let out a small moan.
I then move further down until my head is between her legs. I pull her panties down from under her dress and she lifts her hips to help me. I then lick along her centre which earns me a shiver "Please, James" she whines and I grant her willingly exactly what she needs. I swirl and flick my tongue up, along and around her core, causing her to moan, curse and writhe which only drives me to continue, which I do until she comes undone under me, her body spasming but ultimately relaxing as she comes down from her high. I move back up to meet her mouth and capture her in a kiss as I drag her dress over her head, leaving her naked under me. She then tugs at my clothes and I begin to undress. Once my clothes are off I'm right back between her legs, kissing her again. I push her legs open further to gain me access and I push into her. She gasps at the feeling of me entering her. I wait for a moment, allowing her to adjust.
"Gentle or rough?" I ask, trailing kisses down her neck
"What?" Lily asks breathlessly
"Do you want me to be gentle or rough?" I ask
"Rough, I don't like going slow" Lily replies
"Right answer" I reply before thrusting in and out of her at a quick and steady pace, wasting no time.
Lily wraps her legs around me, trapping me in which only causes me to thrust harder and faster, causing Lily to moan and writhe under me, desperately searching for more to reach her sweet release, and I'm working hard to get us both to the edge of pleasure.
Soon enough the two of us finish and my thrusts slow as I ride out my high.
I then roll off of her and lay beside her, both of us breathless.
"I missed that" Lily admits
"Strangely enough, me too" I reply
"Things not too good in paradise?" Asks Lily
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask
"Are you and your star boy in a lovers tiff?" Asks Lily
"Maybe we are" I reply
"I don't think we would have had sex if you weren't, because then you'd just have sex with him" Lily says
"Is that bad?" I ask
"Not necessarily, I did start it after all, and I don't mind, I'm experimenting" Lily replies with a grin, I chuckle and shake my head
"You are a marvel, Lily Evans" I state with a smile
"You betcha I am" Lily replies with a wink "Now, you are going to get dressed, and you are going to find your star boy, and you are going to talk to him and profess your undying love or whatever it is you need to do and then you two can make up and get your lovin on" Lily continues
"Get our...lovin on?" I ask slowly
"Yeah you know, do the devils tango, get down and dirty in the sheets, clapping cheeks, whatever you wanna call it"
"You are filth just pure filth"
Lily laughs and shakes her head "I've been hanging out with Remus a lot" Lily admits
"That makes so much sense" I reply with a grin and she rolls her eyes before shoving me out of bed "now go" Lily says with a smile.
"Alright, alright!" I reply laughing as I stumble to get my jeans on.
Once I'm dressed I say goodbye to Lily and head out. It's getting dark by the time I leave and I decide to head to the Astronomy Tower, hoping that Regulus will know to find me there, because he always finds me in the end.
It's about half an hour before anything happens, it's fully dark when I hear Regulus say my name. I look at him, but I don't say anything, I turn my attention back to the sky, unsure of what to say really.
"I think we should talk" Regulus says as he sits next to me, his legs dangling over the edge of the Tower, exactly like mine.
"Yeah, I think we should" I reply
"I'm sorry I made you feel like I was accusing you of not knowing Sirius, I worded it wrong, and I didn't mean to pick a fight with you" Regulus says, looking at me. I turn my head to look at him and my breath hitches in my throat because he is breath taking.
He is beautiful
Possibly the most beautiful person I have ever seen
How anyone can pass by him and not do a double take to truly experience his beauty is beyond me.
Regulus Black is breath takingly beautiful
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have gotten so mad" I reply
"I'm also sorry because I was angry and I slept with someone else" Regulus says, a tone of fear in his voice
"I did too" I admit
Neither of us say anything, neither of us say who we slept with, we don't need to, being truthful is enough, we don't need to hurt each other with details.
"We both did the same thing" Regulus states
"We did, but we didn't do anything wrong, we have no commitments here, this isn't a monogamous relationship, I won't hold this against you if you don't hold it against me" I reply
"So we can just move on?" Asks Regulus
"I think so" I reply
Regulus smiles and leans in, I meet him half way and capture him in a kiss because really, all I ever want to do is kiss him.
"You are so beautiful" I say as I cup his face in my hands. His eyebrows knit together in a frown of confusion
"What?" He asks
"You're just so beautiful" I reply
Regulus turns his head away but I catch his chin in my hand and turn his head back so that he's facing me again "I hate when you do that, no star should ever be embarrassed of the way they shine, and you shine, Regulus. You are the brightest star in my galaxy and I never want to tear my gaze away from you, I never want to stop looking at you, to stop appreciating your beauty. You are beautiful, Regulus, please don't shy away from that, especially not with me. You are my star, and I love you" I say, my thumb brushing back and forth over his cheek as I stare into his eyes
"James" Regulus whispers, looking utterly lost for words, and I can't exactly blame him, if he was showering me in words like that I would probably be dumb struck too, but I feel the need to tell him now, I have this urge to express every feeling I have for him. He needs to know how loved he is, how much I love him.
"I mean it, Regulus, every word" I assure him
"James you- you can't just- I don't- I'm not sure how to respond to that" Regulus stutters
"You don't need to, baby, I just need you to know how loved you are, how utterly beautiful you are, how valued you are"
"Fuck, James"
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just wanted you to know"
"No, baby, it's okay, thank you, I appreciate it, truly, I just don't know how to respond to that kind of affection, and I don't know how to return it"
"You don't have to return it"
"But I want to"
"Affection isn't just a spoken thing, it can be shown in so many ways. You show me affection like that all the time, like in the way you hug me, in the way you kiss me, in the way you hold my hand, in the way you touch me, in the way you speak to me. You show me affection through what you do, it doesn't have to be through what you say"
"Thank you, James"
"I love you" I say as I lean in and kiss his forehead "I love you" I say as I kiss his right cheek, "I love you" I say as I kiss his left cheek "I love you" I say as I kiss his chin "I love you" I say as I capture his lips in a kiss. He kisses me back, his hands sliding up the back of my neck and into my hair
"I love you too" He says against my lips before continuing to kiss me.
He kisses me like his life depends on it, he kisses me like it's the last time he'll ever see me, like he won't get another chance tomorrow, which is silly because I want the chance to kiss Regulus Black until my dying day, I want to be able to kiss Regulus Black when I'm old and grey and wrinkly. I want to always be able to kiss Regulus Black.
"Will you stay with me tonight? Evan and Barty went home for Easter, my dorm is empty and I don't want to be alone" Regulus asks me, his hands still tangled in my hair.
"Of course, baby" I reply, pecking the top of his head, because the truth is, I would do anything for him, anything that he asks, all he has to do is ask me, just say the words and I'll do it.
Because the truth is, I'm an absolute fool for Regulus Black.


Hello there my lovelies!

This one very almost did not get uploaded tonight because I was very stuck but I took a break, came back to it and wrote the rest of the chapter!
I kinda find it funny that their minds work the same like they both were like "yep i'm angry, time for a shag" like I'm not saying it's healthy, I'm saying it's funny.
Also Lily and James joking straight after sex??? Iconic
Also, also, actually, actually wholesome Jegulus<<<333 my loves <<<333 they're so in love I'm unwell.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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