Chapter 1

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My name is Iceline from the land of the Frozened. I woke up to the sound of someone screaming from pain from the awful war that has never ever ended at all. I tried my best not to cry and hide in my igloo but I failed at not crying. My tears burns my eyes as like a river of magma streamed down my face to the shimmering snow causing my icy blue eyes became puffy and red. More snow blocks from the igloo was falling like trembling boulders raced downwards off a mountain. It fell onto my softly, silky blue hair, I knew the igloo was going to collapse. This made me search for another place to hide, I looked outside and found the perfect tree to hide in. "Perfect", I whispered to myself. I had to be quick trying not to get caught or killed like my father did. For once I like to see a day with peace and harmony but with this dumb war it's literally implausible. When the Flames where distracted I race to the tree as fast as my legs can and climbed up faster than I thought I could!!! My heart was pounding and my breath was heavy. I tried to take quiet breathes and enventully calm down a little. Up the tree was a horrific sight to see, my people getting murdered in cold blood. Made me sick, I wanted to gag then I realized where is the king and queen, I know there still alive but if they're not than there should be a princess. Around the world there was a story about The Lost Princess of The Land of the Frozened. Of course I heard that story when a was 5 and now I'm 16. A very nice person told me this story and said that that princess would be our hope but she will realize that she's the princess when she's 17. He told me that before he got killed, I felt guilty since he did that to save my life. Boy I cried so much that day. "Up there!!" One of the flames shouted. As I was looking down my face frozen in a shocking expression seeing the soon to be king of the Flames. I cried even more almost dizzy feeling nauseous. He had red hair that was an mixed of orange and yellow color to look like fire and had red eyes, basically the opposite of me."Well, what are you going to do with me? Kill me?", I said trying my best to sound brave.

Hot and Cold!! {book 1}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora