two, awkward moments.

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TWO 🗞️ ˎˊ˗
real life, imessage.

TWO 🗞️ ˎˊ˗real life, imessage

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"hold it and...break! nice work guys." we'd broken out of our pose as coach mills had instructed before skating over to him so he could give us, what he called 'constructive feedback."

which was really just him ripping into us about how we could've made our routine all the better.

"you guys did..okay. but okay isn't good enough. if we wanna have any chance at nationals coming forth next year, this routine has to be flawless. no mistakes. we'll go through the routine again at after school practice."

i nodded at his instructions as he gave us more feedback before dismissing us as he skated off the rink. i sighed out softly, making my own way off the rink when an hand gently wrapped itself around my wrist.

"don't mind that grouch, you were really great babe." i felt a smile grow on my face at ethan's words of affirmation, his own shy smile appearing at me.

"i don't know. i feel like i should practice a little more on it. we have to make it perfect if we actually wanna win this year." i turned my head slightly before it were brought back by ethan with the slight motion with his thumb and forefinger under my chin.

"you're way too hard on yourself, you know that right? plus, not only am i your boyfriend, i'm your skate partner so believe me when i say you were amazing doing that routine and i'm proud of you, okay?" he reassured, tucking a single hair strand behind my ear and i felt my cheeks flush at the action before nodding slowly.

"i need to hear you say it babe." he ushered, his hands now on my upper waist. "..yes. thank you eth..seriously i don't know what i'd do without you."

"nah i'm not anything special, you just need to be confident in yourself more baby." he planted a soft kiss on my cheek as we skated off the rink together, a heart-melting smile and expression on my face.

some believed that being one of the most popular people in school meant you had to uphold your reputation by being a douche but ethan gomèz had proven them all wrong. we'd started dating towards the middle of junior year and we've been together ever since.

he were handsome, charming and one of the sweetest people i'd met, aiding to anyone and everyone and i couldn't be anymore happier with him.

just as i were about to place my ice skates away, a coupe new messages from me and friend's groupchat suddenly appeared on my phone from my bag. i quickly placed the skates back, rushing over to it and grabbing the device to answer the currently spamming messages.

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