Prologue: Dead, Then Not Dead, Oh and Sent to Another World

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Streets of Berlin

Walking down one of Berlin's many streets was a young man, who was happily looking at a book he just got.

(y/n): "Haha yes! I finally got a copy of The Encyclopedia of Wepons of World War I!"

He smiled as he looked at the cover, which obviously consisted of art of tanks, cars, planes, and cannons from the great war.

He had been obsessed with the early 20th century and both world wars for a while now, so this book was an absolute win for him.

(y/n) couldn't wait to sit down in his home and read his new book. But fate had other plans.

Danger Guy: "Hey you!"

(y/n) turned around to direction of the man's voice, which was from an alley.

(y/n): "Uhh... Yes?"

The man walked out the alley and approached our protagonist.

Danger Guy: "Will you kindly give me all your money?"

He did his best to put on a friendly smile, making (y/n) sweat drop.

(y/n): "...No?"

This obviously made the man upset as he reached inside the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pistol. (y/n) froze at the sight and held his book tightly.

Danger Guy: "That wasn't a question."

(y/n): "Uhh... Well technically, it was-"

(y/n) tried backing away while correcting the man, only for said man to pull the pistol's trigger.


(y/n): *Gasp*

He held his chest immediately after the bullet hit it as he fell to the ground, bleeding while gasping for air.

He looked around, hoping for anyone passing by to help, but unfortunately, there was nobody.

Before he could do anything else, (y/n) heard the sound of the man running away.

(y/n): 'So this is how I die?'

Everything was becoming dark as (y/n) teared up while continuing to gasp for air.

(y/n): 'I always thought it was going to be something else.'

Those were his last thoughts as everything went black, then silent.

Somewhere in the Universe

???: "-ey!"

A soft voice and shaking caused (y/n) to stir awake.

???: "Hey!"

The voice spoke again as the shaking became stronger, making (y/n) wake up just a bit more.

(y/n): *Groan*

???: "Wake up please!"

(y/n) did the exact opposite as he turned to his side, making the voice scoff.

???: "Ugh, seriously?"

Suddenly, water hit (y/n), making him jolt awake.


(y/n): "Oh what the!?"

He instantly sat up before rubbing his eyes, then he opened them to see a girl with long hair standing infront of him.

???: "Ah, you're awake!"

She smiled, only to stop once she saw (y/n) looking at her in confused/scared silence.

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