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|My heart is like a puzzle piece, it fits perfectly with yours|

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|My heart is like a puzzle piece, it fits perfectly with yours|


"I'm sick."


"Oh, Hayden, get up!" Evie whined, and Hayden faked a cough.
There was no way she was going to see Ben propose to Mal. Not a chance.
"Evie, I'm seriously-" the princess was interrupted by a sneeze "-sick" she finished with a foe sniffle.
"Oh, you aren't sick!" Evie exclaimed, rushing to Hayden's bed
"Guess guilty is charged" Hayden groaned, she absolutely hated the idea of going "I don't wanna go." She grumbled, burrowing deeper into the sheets.
"I'll fetch F.G, then," Evie said, snapping her fingers "I'll be right back..."
"Wait! No!" Hayden said, bolting up and sighing, the daughter of the Queen of Hearts swung her legs over the bed, and stepped onto the cold marble "eek!" She shouted "cold!"
"come on! Lets get you dressed up!" Evie squealed.
God help me.
"Oh no, Evie, thats really unnecessary-" Hayden tried, but Evie was already pulling a dress out of her bag, it was a black top, and red and black skirt, Hayden looked at it, Evie had some how managed to make a dress fit for a modern Captain of a ship, and Hayden loved it, if cold hearted Villians could love that is.
"Oh, Evie!" Hayden smiled, or, tried to at least "its...whatever you goody-two-shoes say!"
"Lovely?" Evie asked, smiling
"Yes! That!" Hayden took the dress "and, its mine?" She asked, her face aglow with...was that...happiness?
Hayden heartbreaker Hearts didn't become...happy.
It was impossible.
Ugh! Auradon is messing with her!
"Yes!" Evie said, and Hayden realized she was waiting for a...what was the word?
Thank you?
Bank you?
Thank you!
"Thank you..?" Hayden said, and Evie jumped in the air and clapped her hands, squealing with excitement
"You used your manners!" She exclaimed
"Yup. One time thing, though, not happening again." Hayden told the blue haired girl firmly, and she nodded, unable to suppress her smile, Hayden sighed, shaking her head, a smirk (for that was all she could do) growing on her face
"I guess I'll come, just, I get some of that sweet stuff, kay?" Hayden told Evie, and she nodded, walking out of the room.
"You know," Evie said, stopping at the door "you could at least try to be good."
Hayden's smirk dropped
"Evie-" she tried,
"No. Being evil doesn't get you anywhere, you see where our parents are? That's all it gets you." Evie sighed, turning her head slightly to look at Hayden.
The younger girl shook her head
"I'm sorry E, but, you may want to try, but, the thing with me is, I don't." Hayden sighed
"It's because Harry doesn't want to try, isn't it?" Evie asked, cocking an annoyed brow
"Hook has nothing to do with this" Hayden said through gritted teeth
"Sure he doesn't." Evie rolled her eyes, leaning on the door. "Don't let Harry cloud your judgement."
"Hook has nothing to do with this." Hayden repeated, sterner this time. "I can make my own fucking decisions"
"Just looking out for you, Hayden" Evie sighed "try? Please?"
Hayden looked at the blue haired girl.
Would it really-
Then she thought of Mal, about how right after she turned good, she forgot about all the friends and people she left on the evil place.
They were no longer her concern, no longer her people, no longer important, but that just wasn't right.
If turning good means turning bad on the inside, Hayden wanted no part in it.
For she wasn't truly evil.
She never was.
She was broken.
As was every Villain, child, and person on that isle.
And Mal forgot what it felt like to be broken, because she had someone to fix her.
She forgot the pain the rest of the children went through, because she had healed.
She forgot about the bond she had with the isle, because she made a new one.
Mal forgot where she came from.
Mal forgot her roots.
Mal forgot half of her.
And that half, was the half that mattered the most.
And thats why Hayden didn't want to be good, because if it ment forgetting?
She would rather die loved on the isle, and live hated here.
"I won't try, Evie," Hayden said, turning to her disappointed friend "Because I already am good, I already am loyal, I already am brave, and it had nothing to do with trying to fit in in Auradon, because I fit in somewhere that made me strong, somewhere that made me tough, somewhere that made sure I knew who my real and fake friends were, I will always be the heartbreaker, trickster, and thief of the isle, because I'm also the kind, loyal, and brave girl of the isle, and nothing Mal or Auradon does will change that, I will always be different, because being different, is what makes me special"
Evie's face grew into a smile
"Now that," she said "is true good."
And with that, the blue haired girl left, and with her, left any doubt that Hayden belonged on the isle.
Hayden knew who she was, because she knew her home.
And Auradon wasn't it.
Which ment, she needed to figure out an escape plan.
But first,
She had a proposal to go to.
As much as she hated it.


"Hayden!" Carlos called "glad you came"
"That makes one of us" Hayden replied with a smirk, strutting over to the three villain kids
"Oh don't be sour-" Jay started
"I'm not sour," Hayden smirked "I'm salty."


tw! Tell me if u like the new cover?

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