Chapter 36

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"Anthony!" Isabella gasped at his appearance even though she knew he would appear one day or another.

He tried to move toward her and she instantly moved far away from him almost reaching another corner of the room. She saw him still taking steps toward her and Bella was trembling in fear. Her mind was hanged at that moment and all she knew was a Molotov Cocktail was resting on the table nearby her but the problem his that she didn't have a light.

Then her brain bulb lit up. She hid the box behind her and again looked in his direction to see him approaching her like prey. As it's much less time for her to execute her plan as he is really close she accepts her fate crying and begging.

She once in her life thought she would take a step for herself but no. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself but God had given her another chance. A bodyguard came to her rescue and grabbed Anthony pulling him out of the room whereas Anthony tried hard to get rid of him.

That's when Isabelle took her story and broke the Molotov Cocktail on the floor making it spread all over the wood. She moved back pulled out the flare gun and was about to shoot that's when the yacht crossed a big ripple which made everyone lose their balance.

Destiny plays its game and a lot of candles fall over the liquid leading to the fire catching the floor. Isabella moved away because of the heat and several people who were fighting just for her gathered there.

"What are you all watching here go bring some water!. Bella baby don't move or you'll hurt yourself, come to me, baby"

Bella made a disgusting face at his remark and started thinking of some way to escape as they were about to find the solution to this fire.

She looked around and saw a window just behind her. A small hope but the most dangerous one. She turned to see a man coming up with buckets of water.

So she took a long breath opened the window glass and climbed on it. She gets to the outside of the boat while still standing at the window. She looked down to see the dept which was enough to drown her to death as Zane is not here to rescue her and she'd rather die than end up with Anthony.

She looked up to see there was a thin pipe that led to yeh roof of the boat. She thought It would be best for her to go up and fire the flare so that it would reach more Higher altitude.

She started climbing the pipe with the help of the pins securing the pipe to the wall. Slowly and steadily she reached up grabbed the surface and pulled herself up.

She looked down to see Anthony and his man trying to get up her but Bella was smart she started searching for something in the box and got it. A knife. She cut off all the pins that were connecting the pipe with the top and broke it so no one could climb up.

She rested her head on the roof whole lying lifeless for a few seconds. All of this is too much for her.

She took a sigh of relief and started to look around to see the sun was almost about to drown like this yacht. A few moments ago she was enjoying this sunset with him but now she is fighting for her life because he is gone.

But she'll not give up she'll fight if not for herself but for him, who loved her when she was nothing but he still loved her.

She pulled out the flare gun from her hand and pulled the trigger while closing her eyes in fear and nervousness. But even after a few seconds, she didn't feel like something happened she looked up to see nothing. She then looked at the gun to see there was nothing inside to be fired in the sky since she forgot to load the ammo.

She then looked in the box again to find a box of ammo where there were six ammos even if she failed in the first 5 tries she still had hope for one more.

She opened the pack and took one ammo in her hand but the thing is that she was short of time as the boat was drowning and second she didn't know how to load the flare gun.

She searched for her phone opened YouTube and started searching for tutorials on how to load a flare gun.

Meanwhile, people down there fight with each other as they don't how to get up to Bella. Slowly time passes and the boat starts drowning. All the members of the rival group started getting back in their boat as they knew that Isabelle couldn't swim and she'd end up in their boss's hand.

Anthony got in the water and started swimming back and front like a Shark waiting for its prey.

Isabella looked away from the screen to realize it was already too late,; all drowned and only the roof was going to be fully drowned in a few minutes.

Yes, she lost in front of his obsession and she failed to fight for her love. She really knew her love was nothing in front of what Zane had for her.

She throws all that bullshit Gun and ammo away and started looking around to see the sun is already down almost gone and turned her head to the other side and surprisingly for her there was a big ship passing by them.

Her head turned to the other side from where a remake came from

"Now you're all mine Bella finally, you can't run away, so come here sweet let Daddy save you"

He said swimming towards her and in front of his eyes she fell into the water.

Bella tried to move her hands and legs to save herself but it was all wasteful.

She made up that it was her last moment and she only thought she had now was for him

'Have a good life, Zane, I wish I could have some more time to spend with you, confess to you about my feelings, tell you that I love you, tell you that I want to spend my whole life with you. But Destiny played its own game of all I hope that you remember me as a good memory to cherish it, but forget me to move on and start a new life with a new partner that'll be able to give you the love you deserve. I love you, Zane '

That's when suddenly she felt an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled closer to something hard she couldn't see as her eyes were closed.

Another part of that thing suddenly came in contact with her lips and stuck up with them. Slowly that thing pulled her up into the water surface.

And then left her lips. She was gasping for air as that thing kept grabbing her up to the water.

She opened her eyes and that's when she heard

"Are you lost babygirl?"

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