Close but Separated

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In the twilight of our love's embrace,
I find myself lost in a lonely space.
Once entwined, now drifting apart,
The distance grows in each beat of my heart.

Your eyes, once windows to your soul,
Now veiled, a mystery taking its toll.
I reach out, but you're beyond my grasp,
Lost in a world where I am but an asp.

We dance in shadows of what used to be,
But the light fades, and you can't see me.
Though side by side, we're miles apart,
Silent screams tearing at my heart.

I long for the days when we felt whole,
Now, a stranger in the depths of your soul.
Invisible, though I stand by your side,
Yearning for the love that has died.

Words unspoken, feelings suppressed,
Aching within this emptiness.
Invisible in your eyes, I remain,
A phantom of love, lingering in vain.

I'm here, though you may not see,
Lost in the depths of what used to be.
Fading echoes of a love once known,
In the silence, I am alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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