The Food Print

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 After spending four long years of research in the Space Exploration University, in the isolated capsule floating around the Earth, Herbert, the unequivocally intelligent researcher has flashes of images of his mother, whom he had almost forgotten, wondering whether he's in a reverie.  Suddenly, he got the tendency to break out of the capsule and to get absorbed by the cosmos - the innate tendencies to fraternise with the 'other' imbibed in him started to overflow inspite of the "Superhuman conditionings" that had directed the evolution of the human race to the 'desired outcome' to suite our needs and priorities. Alarms started to siren all over the cosy spaceship he's floating in. The matter and antimatter with which the capsule got fuelled for the past two and a half decade for all his energy needs has been totally converted to the energy. There can be no annihilation of the matter with the antimatter anymore. A specialized  handful of radioactive atoms weighing 36 grams, has served as the energy supply for 25 long years.  Now he has only to rely on the solar radiations to power his vehicle.  The first thing he felt pragmatically is, "What am I doing here??" the ability to question things and his own self felt like an alien thing. The tendency to break free of his capsule and to mingle himself with his own race felt mystical and surreal. Having lost on thought, he rests himself in the blue painted room in the space-ship in the relaxing couch to sleep. The memories of his childhood started to float around like strips of negative frames. Up to the age of 13, he could remember that he had emotions, emotions of an ordinary human. At the age of 13, he got himself installed the chip of the "Superhuman Conditioner" to obey the guidelines of his regime. "After the age of 13, most of us humans will acquire ourselves the ability to think for ourselves and act according to our wants and desires that will lead to disobedience of the state. We need scientific aid to curb unwanted behavior that would not provide to the upliftment of human race or create unnecessary implications. The Constitution has to be inserted in the beings with chips that has the ability to monitor and control our entire body and workings of the mind. Otherwise, it will be overthrown and doesn't serve it's purpose". It was the amendment of the constitution taken by the politicians of that time. The teenagers of that time will naturally come under the supervision of their parents, and the state, supervised by "AI chipsets" that would guide their thought processes & hormonal fluctuations.  They need not be in the physical proximity of their parents. They had to be separated  from them to imbibe the conditionings that had been put forth by the state. But the parents will get the right to monitor their thought process and feelings and to communicate with them on the allotted slots of time. Like the space ship, Herbert got specialized and air-conditioned capsules that would have all the accommodations to lead a sophisticated life all by himself. The need to embrace another human, to communicate with them to one's heart's content is stricken out completely as it would lead to unnecessary complications, that may not favor the hopes of the state to create an efficient race of humanity. What are all the need or want, the AI chipsets all over his body will swiftly guide and ward off sloth, lust and wrath that doesn't serve the purpose. Inspite all the delicious ready-made food, he had the craving of his mother's food. Since he's not allowed to be in her physical proximity, he can get the food prepared by her by quantum teleportation. Simple. She has to cook the food and let the machines read the structures of atom, and send the information in binaries to the recipient's ID. He would eventually get lost in feelings and "blank spaces" which are nothing but the AI's mechanism that wards off unnecessary emotions from our own perception. The most modern way of censorship is to censor his thoughts. After this invention of getting total control over one's thoughts and feelings, the executives of higher order in the state thought that they had reached the zenith of their regime. No more tribulations and arguments. No more cases heard in the court, because the thoughts and feelings are curbed into 'blank spaces'. Since then, he's been working incessantly with his unknown colleagues with the information, and teachings of the AI. The AI chipsets only let him think in terms of evolving modern times to the most modern. Machinery or 'mechanicalness' is valued the most in their algorithms. Emotions are nothing but bugs in the human system. They had to be warded off. After tasting the mother's food, he got back into his work of researching for the betterment of the human race. Suddenly, he felt a panic, sleeping in the capsule floating in the deep black sea of the cosmos. Tears started to roll out of his face for the first time. The AI chipsets that had been inserted all over his body has run out of fuel and he got back to his senses again of 'unrestricted imagination and feelings'. He got extremely claustrophobic thinking all that, the memories of an old, beautiful past, resting in the warmth of his mother's bosom, looking at her eyes and talking in gibberish. At the age of twelve, he got angry and broke the glass window of his home and went out after having a fight with his dad.  He was lazy to go to the school and feared his teachers. These are the only 'references' of emotions he had, but still alive and throbbing in his being. Overcame with panic, he can no more sit quietly in an isolated egg like structure. He broke all the wirings, systems and shattered all the glasses and got sucked into the vacuum. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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