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Dating pebble hcs

-Clingy AF, whenever he's around he'll probably be around you unless he's pissing off stone or causing chaos

-kisses you all the time. Just like, covers your face in kisses and has the biggest, cheekiest grin, like, especially if you get annoyed he's gonna have the biggest shit eating grin.

-probably gets rlly mad easily but will normally chill out if you're there to calm him down

-loves to come up from behind u and wrap his arms around your neck and rest his chin on your head while floating, pretending he needs you to lean on

-if someone's flirting with u or something probably gets either really jealous, or smug as hell because hes the one in the relationship with you and not whoever is hitting on u

-calls u hot all the time. Even if you look like straight up ass cheeks💀

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