Your New God.

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The air when you arrived was uncomfortably warm. Humid.

The clothes that adorned your body stuck to your skin rudely. You scowled at them, as if they'd shouted a string of curses at you, before pushing the long sleeved shirt above your head to remove it, leaving you in your tank top. The long, puffy skirt you'd worn was scratching against your legs, the bra you had on had way too much underwire, and none of these clothes felt like they were meant to be worn anywhere that hit over 75 degrees.

It made sense, as these clothes were made for Heaven.

Heaven was always below 75 degrees. Always a clear day that never got any weather other than a few scattered clouds. Always perfect. Always tolerable. You cringed at the thought of what you'd found out the day before, and decided it was best to not dwell on the past. You had an entire future in Hell to get accustomed to. Yay.

Trekking through the streets of Hell without the slightest idea of where to go felt like the hottest knife being driven into your chest, but nonetheless, you continued to walk. Anywhere was better than there.

You passed by some wayward souls committing brutal murders, others participating in various BDSM activities, and a group jerking off in the street while watching what looked like a group of demons having an orgy through the glass of a TV store. Interesting, you thought to yourself as you watched. The people down here were definitely different from those in Heaven, but it's not like you and everyone up there didn't know that already.

"Hey baby. Wanna touch all of this?!" A green creature with 4 arms jumped in front of you, opening his trenchcoat to showcase his large, slimy chest. You cringed at the sight, putting your hands up in defense as they'd caught you completely off guard.

"No. Thank you." You said firmly, before walking around the slug creature. He scoffed and screamed curses in your direction, telling you it was your loss. Yea, okay. Sure. You chuckled to yourself as you continued your journey exploring the streets you'd inevitably need to get comfortable with. But could anyone truly be comfortable in a place like this? Whatever. better than there.

You had almost made it completely past the TV store and all of its panting patrons before you heard something. The channel on the TVs had switched, making the perverted group standing out front to fizzle away with annoyance as the porn wasn't keeping them there anymore. You let the group dissipate before taking a couple steps closer to better see what was playing.

Upon further inspection, it looked like a commercial for a hotel here in Hell. A young woman dressed in a large hat and beautiful dress spoke, and your eyes suddenly went wide. Is that....Vaggie?! You brought your face closer to the glass for a second, before backing up, remembering the people who'd just left and how disgusting that glass probably was. The screens illuminate your face as the commercial continues, and tears spring to your eyes as you realize that it really is her.

You'd wondered where she really was this whole time, not believing a word when Lute told you Vaggie had threatened to kill Sera. She would never. Now that you knew Heaven wasn't nearly as perfect as everyone made it seem, you were almost sure you were correct.

"So, come on down to the Hazbin Hotel! Walk the path of redemption through valuable friendships, various team-building activities, and trust exercises!" The now gray-skinned woman said, swinging her arms out wide and gesturing toward the flashy hotel behind her. She looks good. The new look suits her, you thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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