Chapter 11: I am so grounded.

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When I finally woke up, I had a splitting headache. I groaned, rubbing my skull as I sat up. I was sitting on a bed in a room I did not recognize. On the other side of the door, I could hear muffled arguing.

The memory of what happened came crashing into me and I cursed under my breath. I was so grounded.

But...Maybe I could portal out of here now.

I lifted a hand to do just that, but when I tried to use my magic, nothing happened. After a few more failed attempts I took notice of the small metal band around my wrist that had a blinking light.

I guessed it was some kind of magic dampener. I was so grounded.

Quietly getting off the bed I walked to the door and leaned in, listening to the argument.

"He's a child, Ink. And we aren't even certain he has anything to do with Nightmare!" Said a voice I recognized as Blue.

"But he had tentacles." Someone said, I guessed that was Ink.

"You mean tendrils, and just because he has a similar ability doesn't mean he has a direct connection..." The voice of Dream didn't sound so sure.

"Besides, what would Nightmare even be doing with a child?!" Asked Blue. "Did he kidnap him or...?"

"His aura is similar to Nightmares...As unlikely as it sounds, if the kid really does have a connection to Nightmare...then he's most likely his kid." Dream said, slowly.

"There is no way Nightmare had a kid! With who?!" Blue sounded surprised, disbelieving.

"Well, if he IS Nightmare's kid, then not only did we save him from his evil parents, but we can also get information! Two birds, one stone!" Ink exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and backed up from the door. I looked at the metal band trying to see if it had any weak points. After finding none, I looked around the room, my eyes landing on the window.

Would it be too crazy to jump out the window?

Before I could even take a step towards it the door opened, Ink bursting in. I yelped and spun around. I had instinctively tried to summon my tendrils, but the metal band kept me from doing so.

"Don't worry kid! We saved you!" Ink said brightly, stepping forward. I immediately took a big step back.

"Ink you're scaring him." Blue scolded, pulling Ink back by the scarf.

Blue gave me a comforting smile stepping forward slowly. "Do you mind telling us your name?"

After a few moments of staring at him I decided not to say a thing. I had to get myself together. I held all the cards! I was reincarnated! I knew things about this world that not even Nightmare knew! I had to tap into that chaotic energy I had when I had first reincarnated.

Blue's face fell when it became clear I wasn't going to say anything, and he looked over to Dream for help. Dream was looking me over with a confused and concerned look. I couldn't help but examine him back. Dream was underrated in all honesty, and I loved his character. And now he was my uncle.

"Do you know who Nightmare is?" Dream asked, stepping closer.

I continued to stare, not saying a word. I was so grounded. The least I could do is not say anything.

"What's wrong? Will Nightmare hurt you if you say anything?" Blue asked, a look of deep worry now on his face.

I couldn't stop the eye roll at that. Sure, Nightmare was very stern when it came to discipline, but never violent. The worst punishment I ever had was a ban from the castle library for two months. Worst two months of my life.

Both Dream and Blue seemed lost, so Ink decided to step back in.

"Don't worry about Nightmare! He can't get here. You're safe! And if you tell us what we want to know we can continue to keep you safe!"

I got a horrible feeling in my non-existent gut again. Nightmare couldn't get here? And with my magic damped and monotone aura, I doubt he would be able to find me. I am so grounded.

Dream moved forwards placing a hand on my shoulder, to which I cringed away. "Hey don't worry, it's okay. If you don't want to talk, you don't have to. How about we leave you alone for a bit, and when you're ready to talk, you come out and get us?"

After a long moment of nothing I slowly nodded. That would give me time to figure out how to deal with this.

The Star Sans left the room, and I sat down on the bed with a frustrated sigh.

I was so grounded.

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