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Y/n was at the hotel, wandering around the place. He had a key card in his hands, it allowed him to walk around since it was like Naoki's key card.

Y/n walked by the indoor pool, the smell of chlorine hitting his nose. He sneezed and continued walking down the long hall. Y/n's phone started to ring, he brought his phone to his ear.

"Y/n-Kun...are you available right now?" Takemichi's broken voice was heard on the other line. Y/n then remembered the fight was today and how shit must have gotten bad.

"Uh yeah, of course. Go to my house, I'll meet you there. See you soon, be careful." Y/n turned around and ran towards the doors of the hotel. He ran out the doors and quickly ran to his house which wasn't too far.

—at y/n's house-
Y/n soon got to his house and saw Takemichi sitting on his doorsteps. Y/n panted as he was out of breath, "Takemichi, what's up?" Y/n saw Takemichi's knuckles were scraped, he had bruises and cuts all over his face and hands. Takemichi picked up his head and looked up at Y/n, he ran towards him and Takemichi hugged Y/n. Takemichi cried into Y/n's shoulder.

"S-So much...h-happened.." Takemichi cried as Y/n hugged him back. After a few minutes, Y/n looked up and saw one of Takemichi's friends. Takemichi sniffled as he took a step back. "This is don't mind patching up our wounds do you?"

Y/n looked at Chifuyu but Chifuyu looked a bit jumpy. "I don't mind , C'mon in." Y/n opened his house door and let the two blondes in. They all took off their shoes at the door and went up to Y/n's room. They all stepped inside, y/n grabbed his med kit from under his bed and started patching them up. "So, do either of you want to tell me what happened or is right now not the right time."

Chifuyu looked at Takemichi and nodded. Chifuyu turned to Y/n, "well, our gang got into a big brawl with a gang named Valhalla. A lot has happened in the past but this fight mostly happened because we needed one of our friends back, Baji. Baji is a good guy, big heart and strong. Anyways, during the fight our leader got badly injured. But luckily, our leader, Mikey, he's a strong guy. So he quickly recovered and gave one hell of a come back. But things took a turn when Baji decided he wanted to attack a commander in our gang, Kisaki. And things just got worse from there. Baji got stabbed."

Chifuyu then looked up at Takemichi with a smile, "but, thankfully Takemichi saved him before things could get worse. Baji's in the hospital right now. He might have to stay in there for a while." Tears started to build up in Chifuyu's eyes, "I can't even imagine something horrible happening to B-Baji...Takemichi, thank you.."

Takemichi stared at Chifuyu with a soft smile as Y/n disinfected Takemichi's bloody knuckles. Takemichi's smile remained soft, "I'll do whatever it make sure Toman is safe!"

Y/n glanced at Takemichi then at his knuckles. Chifuyu wiped his tears away. Y/n looked at Takemichi, "I don't mean to ruin the moment, but Takemichi, stop moving."

Chifuyu let out a chuckle as Takemichi hissed in pain as Y/n disinfected Takemichi's wounds. The two blondes started to have a conversation. Y/n soon finished with Takemichi and turned to Chifuyu, "I can treat your wounds as well."

A hint of blush grew on Chifuyu's face, "if it wouldn't be too much trouble.." y/n took Chifuyu's hand and looked at the wounds on Chifuyu's knuckles and arms and started to disinfect the bloody cuts. Chifuyu looked back at Takemichi just to see Takemichi wiggling his eye brows.

"Hey y/n, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Takemichi stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Chifuyu and Y/n by themselves.

Chifuyu's eyes examined Y/n's room. Posters were hanged on the wall and ceiling, he had two guitars, cds, a cd player, a mini fridge, some board games, a bookshelf with a bunch of books. Chifuyu's eyes landed on Y/n's electric guitar.

I know what it's like..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя