Back to school.

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I woke up to my very loud and extremely rude alarm clock letting me know it was time to wake up.
Why do they make us go to school so early?
Regardless of how I did not want to get out of bed,I did anyway.
Only a week until summer.
I brushed hair and just left it down because i did not feel like doing anything with it. I did my make up, got dressed in a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a oversized t-shirt.
I then grabbed my bag and went down to the kitchen.
Did I eat breakfast today? No. But I did have a cup of coffee.
Then it was time to go to school. 

I met up with Maliah and we started walking together.
I have no idea why she decides to walk with me every morning,when her family owns a private driver to drive them anywhere they want.
"So guess what happened after I got home last night!"
"I don't know,what happened?" I asked even though I really didn't want to talk.
"So when I got home,mom had informed me that a envelope addressed to me was laying on the counter,so I picked it up and I didn't have a return address," Okay now that caught my attention.
"So I opened it and it was a invitation to a ball at the Asael castle."
"What!?"  It had been a week since I last saw mine.
Yeah! And get this,the ball is going to be lasting for a week,they are going to have challenges and a bunch of rules you have to follow,and if you break a rule or lose a challenge you will be forced to leave and I think it said the last one standing will receive a mystery prize!"
Yeah! Oh and apparently they have sent out invitations like eight different people who if willing will stay in the castle the whole week and participate in these challenges."
"Eight people? That's not a lot for a ball."
"Hang on I'm not finished, they also invited other people who will get to come to the ball but won't be allowed to do the challenges."
"That's so weird."
"I'm going to do it." She stated.
"Yeah I think it would be fun,plus Arlo got an invitation and he's going and I want to be with him."
I just nodded my head.
Once we got to school, we had to split ways.
"See you at lunch?" She said but it cake out more of a question.
"Yeah,if a teacher doesn't need me this time."
She gave me a quick hug before walking off towards Arlo.

Hey look at this mini cow.

Hey look at this mini cow

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Okay that's it for now.


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