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a shiver makes its way through my body. i eye my mother, of course she's wearing some bougie fucking dress to a college. the louis vuitton purse she's holding sitting on her elbow, causing her arm to sit upright making her look like the bitch she is.

"jesus, mary, and joseph. what are you wearing? you look like a dried up whore, ayda." she puts her hand on her hip, making her look all the more dramatic. my hands snake around my waist, suddenly growing self-conscious.

my mother has that affect on me.

"why are you here" i force the words out my throat and she gasps.

"i am your mother. you haven't been replying to any of my texts, dear." i hurl and the nickname, dear. "there's a reason behind that, i don't want to speak to you"

"come now don't be silly. where are we going today? i saw a nice place near here. i brang my car but i'm tired so you can drive." she flicks some hair over her shoulder and i clench my jaw. biting back the words i so want to yell at her.

"we are not going anywhere" i say calmly. "oh? is there somewhere to eat here, then?" she asks. is she kidding me?

"go home, mom" i start to walk away, but she grabs my arm, gripping me so hard that my blood circulation almost cuts off.

"mom stop" i yank my arm, but it doesn't do much. "mom!" i yank again. but she doesn't let go.

i look around, thankful to see that no one is around to see this. "let me go you fucking witch!" i bring up my other hand, slapping her.

she falls backwards, almost tripping on her heels. "ayda!" she gasps. "are you kidding me? you were just about to rip my arm off!"

"stop being dramatic, rip your arm off" she mimicks. reaching into her bag and digs for something. i feel the tears fill up the rims of my eyes, but i look up, and force them to dry up.

i will not cry in front of this she-devil.

i turn around to walk away, but i bump into a wall. looking up i realise it isn't a wall, just dominic.

i refrain from hugging him for comfort. his arms twitch on his sides, almost as if he wants to do the same, but knows he can't.

"and who's this?" my mother pops a piece of gum into her mouth, eyeing dominic curiously.

"my professor" i mutter, not looking her in the eye. "professor? aren't you a little too young to be teaching at a college. i told you they were unprofessional here, ayda" she's speaking to me, but her gaze is on him.

"i'm thirty three, if you consider that young i can't imagine how old you are" he says, already annoyed by her. her face turns red in no time, embarrassed.

i suck my lips into my mouth so i don't laugh, and he looks down at me. "i just came to ask how your assignments been going, miss winters?" he shoves his hands into his pockets

i can tell he's lying, trying to help me out, and i'll forever be grateful. "almost done, i have thirty thousand words written down. me and nova are going to the library after class tomorrow to complete it."

"i've never liked that nova, she's too obsessed with you" my mother points out, but dominic and i ignore her. "excellent, i'm waiting to see what you've written down, i'm sure it'll be amazing"

i smile up at him, and my mother clears her throat. "what." i snap, looking at her.

"well? introduce your mother, ayda." i suck in a breath. oh my god i can't deal with her.

"dominic, this is my mother-" "layla" she cuts me off. "layla" i grit out "and mom, this is dominic, my teacher in english and psychology"

she stretches out her hand, and he just stares at it. his eyes meet hers and he cocks a brow. she tucks her arm away and huffs. looking away from him and staring out a window.

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