Survivor volume 1: Motherhood at 19

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I was 18 the day I went for that pregnancy test.
Sat in the cold, not exactly draught free reception of the Brook Advisory in Liverpool on a rainy January afternoon was not my idea of fun and getting up to scrapes and mischief either
I was not judged by friends if I was expecting a baby but the boyfriend, let's call him Johnathan was less than enthusiastic and had one foot out the door. Constantly.
Rude, had a laugh like Beavis and Butthead and the kind of face that needed a good smack just to remind him, he wasn't anything special at all.
There was also as I would discover a much more harmful sinister streak to him as well..
How I came to be sat there was anyone's guess. I  was forced down by my mum's inner gut instinct and having spent a month throwing up with no end in sight.
Sorry but sickness is part of pregnancy so get used to how graphic this gets.
And no, there's none of this horny expectant mum being revolting with her milk like Pornhub. That actually doesn't happen either.
But tis true. Breastfeeding is the best way to get back into those jeans after giving birth. Mummyhood does add not take away from how a woman looks.
Just making these things abundantly crystal clear.
Do it for yourself, not because he's being a pest round women on OnlyFans.
He has you right?
So why feel the need to watch a woman boil a kettle and make a Pot Noodle?
Beats me.
And pay for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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