stone ‼️

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Stones face flushes red with worry, skipp and Vinnie were currently dragging him by the back of his coat to the pier. Stones heart was pounding out of his chest and he wanted to run but was frozen as his feet dragged against the dirt. He doesn't know how, but Vinnie had found out about his crush on reader. Now, he's being forced into asking them out.

With big grins on vin and skipps face, they raced to the pier, where they had asked reader to meet them.

Once they arrive they let go of stone and push him forward, watching reader from a distance.

"c'monnnnn don't be such a wuss!!" Vinnie encouraged, "yeah stone you got this, the worst they can say is no!"
Skipp says, his tone filled with confidence and support.
Stone groans and I hides his face in his hands before whisper-yelling as to not grab the readers attention. "I already told you! I don't like them! I'm not doing this!"

Vinnie rolls her eyes with a smirk and elbows stone in the shoulder.
"Dude! Well, for one, you're CLEARLY, TOTALLY into them. and They're clearly into you. don't worry. Just, get your butt out there and ask!"

Skipp nods in agreement
"Yeah stone! You can't keep your feelings bottled up forever!"
Skipp then shoves him into the open, aka in readers line of sight.
Reader notices stone and smiles at him, giving him a wave

"Go get em' tiger!"
Vinnie says, a cheeky grin on her face as they basically feed stone to wolves.

Stone sighs to himself, feeling himself start to shake a little but knowing he can't back out now. "Hey, reader."
Stone mumbles, almost in an masked annoyed tone as he walks up to reader.

Reader leans back with a small smirk and tilts their head. "Wheres vin and skipp? They leave ya to fend for yourself?"

Stone rolls his eyes then looks away with a small, flustered smile on his face. He couldn't help but be smitten with you.
"Uh... Yeah. You could say that"

Reader raises an eyebrow, noticing his odd demeanor. "So, what's up with you?"

Stones eyes drift back at Vinnie and skipp. Seeing them silently cheer for him, he groans softly and freezes up for a few moments.

Reader stares at him, waiting for him to say something with a cocked eyebrow.

Stones eyes meet yours, his face flushed with a bright red collar and an anxious riddled expression.
"Reader- i- uh, I need to tell you something"
Stone mutters his words, and talks fast, as if to not let the embarrassing moment drag on.

Readers expression drops and their lips part slightly, both eyebrows raising as the watch in curiosity, but let's be honest, it's clear what hes trying to say

Stone looks down anxiously and mutters quietly, his words barely understandable to due to his fast speaking pace
"Listen- I don't, I don't how to say this, but- uh, reader, you- you, uh, uh, you make me feel really comfortable- and you're always there for me and- uh-"

Readers cheeks flush with a soft pink and they smile softly. They place their hands on stones shoulders comfortingly
"Stone, are you... Asking me out?"

Stone falls silent and his entire body heats up, feeling his heart beat out of his chest. He looks down and stays quiet for a few moments

Reader chuckles softly at him before rolling their eyes and patting his shoulder
"Yeah. I'll go out with ya. Ya dork."

Stones eyes light up and his head snaps back up to look at you
"... What."

Reader Snickers softly and shoves their hands in their pockets
"I'll go out with you."

Stone feels himself become incredibly relieved and nervous at the same time. He looks  at you with wide, bright eyes
"Oh... OH-"

The end :3 (I didn't know how to end it off so the rest is up to ur imagination. Also, I did not plan ANY of this, and wrote this in about 30 mins, just making things up as I go💀)

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