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After Hidimba left Kunti along with her sons laid down to sleep

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After Hidimba left Kunti along with her sons laid down to sleep. Arjun decided to ensure their safety since he had won over his sleep. Subhadra started to pat Kunti's head sitting beside her. Subhadra had heard from her father Vasudev that his sister Kunti was fond of getting sleep being patted by him. So, Subhadra was doing the same on behalf of her father Vasudev.

Pandav brothers were looking at the duo, admiringly. One by one everyone slept except Arjun and Subhadra. Subhadra had the habit of sleeping after chatting sometime with Karenumati and Vijaya in Kanyakul, but at that moment she had no one to chat with except Arjun. So, went near Arjun with slow steps and stomped her fingers softly on group to make him notice her.

"What has happened, Strangy? What do you need?" Arjun side glanced at Subhadra.

"Strangy! What does it mean?" She sat beside him, demanding the answer.

"Your behaviour, response and reaction are strange. You are a strange girl according to my first impression. So, I have chosen that name for you," he was expecting her to pick a fight up.

"Everyone calls me Subhi out of love, but you can call me strangy. I love to get what I earn," her acceptance astonished him.

"Strange again! You didn't object over my choice!" An astonished smile acquired his face.

"I am strangy, right?" She reminded him with a soft chuckle.

"Why did not you sleep till now?" Luckily, he found an obvious question to lead the conversation.

"I have the habit of sleeping after chatting with my friends. This habit isn't letting me sleep," a sad look swiped her smile away in no time.

"I guess I have something to narrate you which will make you sleep, instantly," he had planned to discuss war strategy with her in order to make her sleep.

"Really! I doubt on it. Even, my brothers used to have hard time while putting me into sleep. So, I hardly believe you in this case," a proud smirk was being played on her face.

"What if I succeeded?" He asked.

"You won't, and if you lose then you have to give whatever I ask," she denied and declared, confidently.

"Then let me try," he collected a bunch of hay, and built a war model.

To his surprise, there was no trace of sleepiness on her face. She was observing him, attentively. She questioned him at the end which was showing the depth of her interest and understanding about war strategies.

"I am giving up. I guess I have to accept my defeat," he focused his gaze at her to figure out her next action.

"Not that easily, Parth!" She flashed an mischievous smile.

"Parth! Sounds nice from you unlike Madhav. Ok, you can call me that," It had been years since Kanha called Arjun with that name in childhood when Arjun visited Dwarka for once.

Subhadra made Arjun relive those beautiful moments in which he was merged, completely.

"Of course, I will. After all, you are going to be my partner unlike Nakul," she hinted, making him struggle hard to get the meaning of her words.

"So, I have to pay the price of losing to you being your partner, right?" after a short pause he collected those words to communicate.

"You have to play with me in each night untill I get sleep," she revealed the secret with a slow pace of speaking.

"Sure, I accept. What should we play?" He was ready to fulfill his promise.

"Some indoor games, of course," saying so, she started to teach him make some moves and poses with hands so that they could play while singing some folk rhymes.

"You aren't doing well," she complained with cute disappointment.

"It's first time for me. I will be fluent, gradually. You have to do adjust. Once I learn everything well you......," he defended himself, but before he could complete he found her sleeping on his shoulder with a delightful smile.

He too smiled back at her.

"You will change your comment," then he laid her down on bundles of hay arranged for sleeping at that place.

Smiling at her again, he continued his task of guarding security of everyone.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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