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UNKNOWN: 1 image.

UNKNOWN: you will reply to me eventually, sweet girl.

UNKNOWN: i want you. you'll get me soon.

UNKNOWN: 3 images.


since today was a sunday, i had no problem sleeping in for a little. i'd been up all night thinking about what happened with dom.

that kiss had left so many questions.

why'd he do it? does he like me? is he attracted to me? does he fuck like he kisses?

i wipe the drool off my mouth, since i'd slept with my mouth wide open. i get up, slide my feet into my bunny slippers and make my way to the bathroom.

i see a note on the bathroom mirror, it says 'going to see liam and my mom today! i'll be home late so don't wait up, xo' i smiled at the letter and peeled it off the mirror, picking up my little bag that contains the ingredients i use to make my own special face mask.

it's a good one, and i only need to use it once a week. my grandma taught me just before she left for albania, our home country. i'm pretty sure it's an albanian recipe, too.

once i'm done mixing everything into a bowl i usually leave on my side of the sink, i let it rest. with this recipe you need to let it dry out for about twenty minutes, so for those twenty minutes i brush my teeth, put in my retainers and hop in the shower.

once i'm done wrap a towel around my head, making sure no hair is left out, and wrap a similar looking towel around my body.

i grab a spoon looking thing and use that to apply the face mask. now i have to let that sit for ten minutes.

i apply some lip products, then i sit down on a bean bag me and nova decided to add into the bathroom for reasons like this.

i snap a quick selfie of me and tag it #currently, and post that on my story.

suddenly, an idea pops up in my head
search for dominic

i internally cackle while my fingers fly over the keyboard, searching his name on instagram. the first thing i see is an account called dominicrusso91. i click on the account and see its public, thank god.

he doesn't have any highlights, only posts. i'm careful not to like any of them as i scroll through all 17 posts.

they're cute, i'm assuming the girl next to him is his little sister. the resemblance is uncanny. there's another post with him and his dad, they also look a lot alike.

most of his posts are him with family, which is cute. there is one post thats just him. in this photo he's wearing a suit, i huff.

the background is a tattoo shop, he's holding a tattoo gun, his eyes heavily concentrated on someone's arm, he does tattoos?

i wonder if he did his own tattoos. i was so entranced by how good he looks concentrated, i didn't even realise i liked the post. shit!

i'm quick to unlike it, as if that'll do anything. when i get a text from satan himself.

dominic: stalker.

i roll my eyes at his dramatics

me: i was just curious

dominic: i'm sure you were.

i put my phone down, silently cursing myself when i get another notification

dominicrusso91 has followed you!

i cock a brow

me: looks like you were curious too.

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