Prologue ~ A New Draconequus

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A young Twilight Sparkle stood trembling before the four stern unicorn judges who held the power to decide her fate at Equestria's most prestigious magic school. No, "nervous" didn't quite capture it; she was downright petrified. Their disinterested gazes, coupled with the relentless scratching of pens against parchment, only intensified her anxiety.

She had no inkling of what kind of test awaited her, but a cart rolled forward, revealing a spotted dragon egg nestled within. It was a startling twist she couldn't have anticipated. Her mind raced through her extensive repertoire of spells, searching for a solution to hatch the baby dragon. Beads of sweat formed on her lavender coat as she desperately sought to conjure a spell, any spell, to aid her in this perplexing ordeal.

"Well, Miss Sparkle?" The impatience in one of the judges' voices sliced through the tension. Another cleared their throat, their irritation evident as they awaited Twilight's response.

Twilight's desperation surged, intensifying her nervousness. She resorted to various poses in a futile attempt to harness her magic more effectively, despite knowing it wouldn't make a difference. Another judge couldn't hide a yawn, clearly unimpressed by her struggling efforts.

"We don't have all day." The same impatient judge reiterated.

After several fruitless attempts, Twilight channelled every ounce of magic from her horn into the spotted dragon egg, but all she managed to produce were feeble sparks that flickered into existence before promptly fading away to the ground. Exhausted and defeated, she collapsed onto her stomach, only to rise again with a profound sense of disappointment when she realized her efforts had yielded no results.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time." Twilight muttered, her voice heavy with defeat as she cast her gaze downward.

The judges collectively levitated their clipboards, their expressions remaining uninterested as they scribbled down their notes.

A sudden explosion of vibrant rainbow hues rocked the castle, jolting Twilight from her thoughts. In her startled reaction, she unintentionally unleashed a spell toward the dragon egg. As the spell connected with the spotted egg, it brought forth a tiny purple dragon adorned with small green spikes from head to tail, complemented by matching emerald eyes. The baby dragon yawned and stretched, wearing a contented smile.

Twilight let out another surprised yelp as her eyes abruptly turned a blinding white, causing her to levitate above the ground, surrounded by a powerful lavender aura radiating pure magical energy. Lightning surged from her body in multiple discharges, forcing the judges to shield their eyes from the unexpected brightness and menacing lightning. Meanwhile, Twilight's parents clung to each other in terror at the unfolding spectacle.

One of the lightning bolts struck the judges, lifting them into the air as if they were weightless. A second lightning strike transformed her parents, her mother morphing into a potted aloe plant while her father became a potted cactus with a blossoming flower at the top. A third bolt zapped the baby dragon, accelerating its growth into a large form, causing its head to burst through the roof of one of Canterlot's towers.

Queen Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, couldn't ignore this extraordinary occurrence as she gazed upward at the dragon's head now visible for all to see. However, this was just the beginning of Twilight's uncontrollable surge of magic, as her panic grew with the strange events unfolding around her.

A sudden surge burst into existence, violently blowing the entire roof off and sending a powerful lavender aura shooting straight into the heavens, and beyond. As the magical beam extended beyond the limits of sight, it transformed the once-blue sky into a shimmering shade of lavender.

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