Mystery Invitation.

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Why does the world hate me so much? I questioned on my walk back from school.
I started out the day late for school, since I had stayed up later the night before to study for a test i knew we had,got to school and found out I had another test in math I completely forgot about,(I already know I flunked that.)
Then I didn't get lunch because a teacher needed to talk to me about a volunteer thing,next we had a pop quizz in science,I accidentally spilled my drink on one of the popular girls,(safe to say she wasn't thrilled about that.)
Now I get to go home,take a shower, and read a book,thank goodness for that!

"Hey Bri!" My best friend Maliah called out right as I opened my front door. She was walking with her boyfriend Arlo.
"Hey guys,how's it going?" I asked trying to be nice even though I was not in the mood to socialize right now.
"Good,we're going to get some icecream if you want to join us?"
"No thank you I'm good,plus Mar needs my help with stuff today." I lied,I just didn't want to join them,I did it once and it felt like i was third weeling, never again.
"Alright,I'll text you later then,tell Marah I said hi."  She waved good by and they continued walking.
I sighed going inside and headed right for the kitchen.
"Hey honey, how was school?" Marah's cheerful voice rang out.
Marah has been my legal guardian since my mom passed away when I was ten.
"The usual." I answered digging through the pantry trying to find a good snack.
"You had something come in the mail today,it's over there on the counter!" She excitedly said.
I stopped what I was doing and walked over to the counter closest to the sink,while eyeing her suspiciously.
I never and I mean never get any mail.
I picked up the fancy looking envelope, that was even wax sealed.
"Who is it from?"
"No idea."
I started at it for a minute trying my hardest to figure out who had sent it,but no one would.
"Are you going to open it?" Marah asked,snapping me out of my trance.
"Um maybe later,I want to shower first." I said stuffing the mysterious envelope into my back pocket,giving her a kiss on the cheek on my way out,and headed up to my room.

I flung my backpack on my bed along with the mystery envelope.
I grabbed my hair brush,and a towel and went to the bathroom.
I turned on the shower and let the water heat up as I got out of my clothes.
I let the scorching water run down my neck and back as it washed away all the stress of the day.
I walked back to my room,a towel wrapped around me with my wet hair dripping on the floor,to get changed into some sweatpants.

"So,did you open the letter yet?" Mar asked as we were eating dinner.
"Um no,not yet." I answered after I swallowed my bite of mashed potatoes.
"Why? If I was in your shoes,it would have been ripped opened the second I was told."
"I guess that I just don't care. Can we drop it now?"
She stared at me in shock but didn't say anything else.
After we were done eating,I cleaned all the dishes while Mar went to watch Tv.
"Hey Bri, do you want to watch a show with me?"
"You know that it is almost eight right?"
"Yeah and? You normally stay up till eleven most nights." She said confused.
"Mhm,but I stayed up until almost three last night." I confessed.
"To study for a test."
"Alright then,I guess do whatever you want too." She waved her hand as though she was shewing away a fly.
I rolled my eyes at her and went upstairs.
After brushing my teeth,changing into pj's,and putting my home work back into my backpack,I got into bed, covered up with my sheets and soon fell asleep.

Yay, I'm done with the first chapter!
Please let me know what you think,and if there is anything misspelled or any other errors with the book.
Thank you for reading.


P.s. go drink some water if you haven't already. Love you.

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