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there's nothing really wrong with this college, there could be some changes of course, but other than that this school really is amazing.

my favourite thing? the fact that me and nova share a dorm. living with your best friend isn't as bad as everyone says it is, i could never get sick of my beautiful best friend here.

i adjust my dress in the mirror and stare at myself, happy with how my makeup looks. me and nova decided to go to a club, since it was a friday, and what else is there to do on a friday other than get drunk?

i turn to my left and admire nova. she really is gorgeous. her strawberry blonde hair has been straightened and falls perfectly on her back. her freckles more noticeable in the summer time. she has a simple makeup look on, and is currently finishing off her red lip stain.

i look back to the mirror and stare at my makeup, making sure it's perfect. i did a grey and black smokey eye, with a nude lipliner, and clear lipgloss. the highlighter on the inner corners of my eyes really placing the look together.

"okay, done!" nova announces, with a pop of her lips. "wait, let's take a photo in front of the mirror." she nods her head before stepping next to me and posing.

she places her chin on my shoulder and puts a hand on the other, pouting her lips a little and batting her eyelashes. i smile and place my left hand on her head, while my other hand takes the photo.

nova is wearing a dark green sparkly dress, which falls mid thigh, and shows a nice amount of cleavage.

i'm wearing a black leather dress. strapless and backless and also falls about mid thigh with a small slit on my right leg. it doesn't show any cleavage but who cares, my boobs are big enough to see from the side.

i post the photo on my instagram story and tuck my phone into my sparkly black purse.
"okay, let's go"

nova grabs her car keys and we drive the 10 minute drive to scotia springs most beloved club. casey's club.

yeah, stupid name right? almost every place in our small little town is named like that. for example; sally's cafe, baileys bakery. sam's pizzeria, and you get the point.

that's what i love about this town, everyone knows everyone. and we all get along, so pretty much every shop has the name of the owner in the title.

the club is packed, as it always is on fridays. me and nova quickly make our way to the bar and take our seats. "hey dave, how you doing?" i yell over the music and dave cracks a big smile when he sees me and nova. "ah, my two favourite girls! the usual?"

if that doesn't say enough about our hobbies i don't know what will.

"you know it dave" nova winks at him and he smiles at her, pouring us our shots. dave is like a father figure to me and nova. he's 49 and single with no kids, so he's always here at the club serving drinks.

me and novas birthdays are only three days apart, we turned 21 last year in november which wasn't that long ago, but ever since then we have been at the club every friday.

dave places our drinks in front of us, with a can of coke for nova and a lime slice for me. we waste no time downing our shots, nova quickly drinking some coke as a chaser, and i suck on the lime, adding to the spice

too many shots to count later and me and nova are on the dance floor, dancing to the song under the influence, by chris brown.

nova giggles as i snap a bunch of photos of us dancing. tucking my phone away, i decide to enjoy the moment and grind on whatever man is near my vicinity.

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