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"i'm betting $20 he's a fat fifty year old man" my best friend, nova, whispers in my ear. i chuckle and shake her stretched out hand "you're on."

me and nova are currently in our english class, waiting for our new english professor to come to class, of course he's late.

our old professor, —mr davis— retired, the whole class was devastated when we found out. mr davis was everyone's favourite teacher and we were all dreading the day he left.

"jesus. where is he? we're at a college right? not high school?" nova laughs at her own joke, her strawberry blonde hair falling over her shoulders.

nova and me have been friends for about a year now, we met last year, both new to the school. we helped eachother out, and i couldn't be more greatful to have a friend like her.

on queue, all thirty one student heads snap left to the classroom doors, which were just opened, and my jaw drops.

holy shit!

in sync, everyone's heads turn and eyes follow our new professor. we all watch as he silently makes his way to his desk at the front, while fixing his cuffs.

"you owe me $20" i whisper to nova and she nudges my arm, "whatever!"

the whole class starts whispering to their friends. i hear a couple 'holy fuck' and 'oh damn'

i, however, am in a trance. i'm not being dramatic when i say i've never seen someone as attractive as the man that just walked through those doors.

he clears his throat and the entire class goes quiet. dare i say his voice might be just as attractive as his face?

"hey, everyone. my name is dominic russo. to you that's mr. russo, i'm your new teacher for this subject as of now. i don't have any rules, other than respect me and i'll do the same."

he slings his bag off his shoulders and unzips the bag. he neatly places a laptop, pencil case, and stack of papers on his desk before asking "any questions?"

a girl near the front raises her hand and he motions over her to speak. "not to be disrespectful or anything, mr russo. but aren't you a little too attractive to be a teacher?" she giggles a little and waits for his answer

would it have made a difference if she had dropped to her knees begging to suck his cock? i mean seriously.

mr. russo blankly stares at her, clearly not impressed with her stupid question. "and what's your name?" "summer hampden" she finishes for him, confidently flicking some hair over her shoulders and resting her elbows on the desk.

"well, miss hampden. how would you think your father would feel knowing his daughter is making inappropriate comments towards her english teacher, you think he'd like that?" summers grin is gone faster then it appeared

"i was just asking" she mumbles, and mr. russo grabs a whiteboard marker. "no, you weren't" he finishes. 

he starts writing something on the massive white board, though i can't see since his hand is in the way, so i choose to stare at that instead .

damn, that's a nice hand. he's got a good amount of veins, some rings, and i can see a tattoo peeking under his sleeve.

he finally moves out of the way and i notice that he wrote Romeo & Juliet, a classic.

"this is the book you will be expected to read, there's no rush, you have a month to read this. there won't be an assignment on it, just a class discussion. though you should i know i like when everyone is included in those, so no. you won't get away with not reading this.

"till then, i will be teaching you how to plot for a novel you might write one day, and how to write like good author would, and not how a fifteen year old boy would."

his eyes start scanning the room, probably looking at what he's going to have to deal with for a whole year. when his eyes land on me he pauses, and his mouth widens by just a fraction. but that was enough to grab everyone's attention and suddenly all eyes were on me.

oh god. i awkwardly tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and slip my gaze onto his. his eyes are a deep brown, so easy to get lost in. he has little to no facial hair, chocolate brown coloured hair that falls nicely onto his forehead. his nose is perfectly straight, other then that little bump near the top which looks to be caused by his glasses. his very slutty glasses.

someone drops their book on the floor, causing a loud thud. and that seems to snap us back to reality because mr. russo clears his throat and picks up that damn whiteboard marker again.

"okay, what the fuck was that?" nova fully rotates her body to look at me and i shrug.

suddenly, panic creeps its way into my veins. oh god, is there something on my face? is that why he was staring? does my hair look weird?

"shit! nova is there something on my face?" my widened eyes stare into hers and i watch them roll. "no, you look perfect, and i think that exactly it." she mumbles, more to herself then to me.

"what?" i ask but she dismisses me with a wave of her hand, and stuffs her head into her book.

about half an hour later, the bell rings and everyone rushes to pack their stuff back into their school bags, before standing up and rushing out of class.

"don't forget about the book" mr. russo announces, his gaze falling on mine before he quickly looks away.

i keep my ass in this chair because today decided to bless me with a double period. nova kisses my cheek goodbye and reminds me to meet her at our spot for lunch.

when the entire class has cleared, mr. russo makes himself known again. "is there a reason you're still here? miss..?" "ayda winters, i have a double period"

"there's a 5 minute break" he states
"i'm aware, i have nothing to do" i cross my arms over my chest and i don't miss how his eyes fall there before he quickly realises his mistake and fixes himself.

"right" he grumbles, and he starts busying himself with the stack of papers on his desk.

i watch him since i have nothing else to do. he's on his laptop, his brows furrowed, and a small frown etched onto his full lips. we sit in the most deafening silence for about three minutes and i realise i've had enough. so i do a dumb thing. i start conversation with my new teacher.

"what made you want to become a teacher?"
"pardon?" his brown eyes fall on mine
"i said, what made you want to become a teacher?"

he doesn't hesitate when he says "i'm good at what i do, miss winters." 

"and that is?" "english, and psychology" the world really is on my side today.

"really? i'm in both those classes" he raises an eyebrow, making a hmm noise. and just as i'm about to ask another question, students start rolling into class.

mr. russo sets down some papers and adjusts his posture, then he repeats the same things he said to the class he just had.

i do nothing in this class, except admire him. can you blame me? he looks like a greek god.

and i can't help but ask myself, have i managed to catch his attention just as much as he's caught mine?


omggg cause why am i scared to release this? anyways you better enjoy chapter one, unless you wanna be decapitated

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