Episode 31 Family Trip

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Sakura was came home after finishing her daily work . ShinaChiku is now 6 years old and hanami 3 years old . Sakura was cooking dinner for her family . She heared crying of hanami she came in hall . Shina was present their he was giving his toys to hanami . He was trying to stop hanami from crying . Sakura took her in her arms. Naruto entered in house . After dinner sakura told to naruto " Honey should we go for a family trip ?" . " A Family trip " Naruto said . " Yes we was bored from daily life and we was not went for trip after hanami came " sakura told . Naruto was stairring towards shina and hanami . " Yes we are going go trip tommorrow " he said with happy face . Sakura also become happier with shina and hanami. They went next day for a trip .

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