Chapter 3: The Outside is not that "Bad" pt 2

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TW: mild language(like “dammit and that kind of stuff)

“Uhh… Who are you and is there anything you need from us?“
Y/N asks

“I'm Agent. And yes. I need to talk to your friend here”

“Cho, do you know who this is?”


He takes a deep breath before saying yes. He can feel the stress radiating from both him and Y/N. He can't believe he is speaking to victim's right-hand man right now.

“I'm going to need to talk to Chosen privately. Please go inside the building and don't even think of eavesdropping.”

Y/N takes a while but finally enters their house with hesitation. The windows were closed and there was no way of opening them thanks to some sort of machine Agent implanted.

“Good evening, The Chosen One. It's nice to see you once again.”

“I'm not going back to victim if that's what you're thinking.”

“Hm. Sad.”
Agent says as he brings out his staff (stick? Animation bar?) And hits TCO in the stomach.

“Ack! What the hell!?”
TCO screeched as he falls to the ground on his knees

“Look, the boss wants you alive and well. Which means I can't fight you.”

“Well too bad. Because I want to.”
TCO throws a fire punch at Agent which he dodges. The fire then instead hits the wall and leaves a mark.

Agent runs to TCO with all his might, holding his line staff. TCO dodges the attack and shoots lasers to disarm Agent which worked. Agent, now being weaponless, summons his Toolbar and takes out the line tool but uses it as a ranged weapon instead.

Before TCO was able to fire punch him, Agent swiftly hits his body, causing him to go back and hit the wall. While he was distracted, Agent picks up his line staff and goes back to TCO. He takes out the lasso tool and ties TCO to it just like what victim did…

“I had fun… but it's time that you leave. You've become soft… there is no way you can fight properly. Give up”

(Am I seriously going to lose to one of victim's pawns?! There must be a way to stop him…)

As Agent was getting ready to bring him back, TCO's body freezes.

“Of course…”

Agent looks at the lasso. And as he was distracted, the ice breaks and TCO shoots lasers once again, causing Agent to burn his face.

Agent yells out as he stumbles back from pain. Those lasers easily gave out 3rd degree burns.

Before TCO could do anything, Agent creates a line and stabs TCO right at the arm. The stab was so deep that blood started running from his arm to the grass.
TCO hisses a bit because of the stab.

“I am NOT giving up so easy! I'm done playing around!”

Agent uses the toolbar and goes for the pause. Agent swiftly throws it at him but before it could hit, the door opens.

“I draw the line at screaming! What happe-”
It was Y/N!


“Are you KIDDING ME?!”
Agent screeches

It was the first time TCO saw him like this. The usually calm and patient Agent… screamed impatiently…

“Whatever… I did what I was supposed to do.”
Agent unpauses Y/N who then passes out. TCO looks back at them then back at Agent who then left.

He was confident that more of this will come soon but for now, they are probably safe from anything else. TCO turns back, carrying Y/N in his arms, while going back to the house. He knew that the Mercenaries and victim were after him.

What he doesn't know is that Agent planted a locator on his back.

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