Chapter 1

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My name is Arabella Anastasia st. Claire.  I'm 14 years old, and my dream job is to become a professional ballerina. I'm on my way to one of the most prestigious ballet academy of all time, the paris opera ballet school, I get to stay there and have an education in Paris as well. Although my family is moving with me, my sister,  Samantha, who's younger than me, and isn't a fan of change, refuses profoundly.  My parents believe she's autistic. I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She has the symptoms.  "I hate this!" She screamed.  "I don't want to do this!"  My dad said nothing, he knew I had to do this one way or another, if I didn't go with the family I would've gone with the others. "You guys don't have to do this for me." I told them. My dad nodded and said, "it's not about having to sweetie, we want to support you." He smiled. "We're all proud of you." My mom said, and she cast a quick glance at my little sister who wasn't happy about the current situation.  My sister wasn't good at reading social cues either.  "Mom, i really appreciate you doing this. But I want my little sister to be happy as well." I told them.  My little sister looked up at me in surprise. "We know that you care about your little sister, but she needs to learn that she can't always get what she wants."  My mother said.  "When is she getting tested for autism?" I asked.  "Next month. " my dad said.   As we arrived at the airport we had our bags checked, and a bunch of other things I couldn't keep track of happened before finally arriving on the flight to Paris France. I had been learning French on my own time,  so I could speak it if needed.  The stewardess asked me, "Qu'aimeriez-vous boire?" I replied, "Je voudrais de l'eau s'il vous plaît."  The stewardess nodded and asked if my little sister would want something to drink and I translated it for her. 

After the drinks were ordered and delivered I nodded and said, "merci."

The woman smiled and nodded as she walked away. After several hours we arrived at our new home, it was beautiful, but it didn't please my little sister. No surprise there. My parents started the crash course of learning French online. It seemed easy for me, but it was hard for them. My sister wasn't interested at all. "How will you make friends with your classmates or talk to your teachers?" I asked.  "They should know English as a second language." She said. 

"English is one of the most challenging languages to learn."  I told Samantha, putting my dance bag over my shoulder.  I was enrolled in the dance school before my sister and I was enrolled in regular school.  My mom took a picture of me, and I wished her goodbye before heading out with my iPhone to give me directions.

As I walked through the busy streets of Paris, I heard the gps say, turn right and I did. After a few turns I arrived at the entrance to the paris opera ballet school. It has a rich history dating back to the 17th century and is associated with the prestigious Paris Opera Ballet company. The school has trained many legendary dancers and continues to produce top-tier talent in the world of ballet. I couldn't believe it, I was finally here. I had dreamt of coming here when I first started ballet. I opened the door, and found myself staring at a grand foyer adorned with marble columns and elegant chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and dedication, as students hurriedly made their way to their classes, their ballet slippers softly echoing against the polished floor. Portraits of past ballet legends lined the walls, reminding me of the illustrious history of this esteemed institution.Taking a deep breath, I stepped further into the foyer, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through me. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one filled with endless possibilities and challenges. As I made my way towards the reception desk, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and grandeur of the Paris Opera Ballet School.A friendly receptionist greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with curiosity as she handed me a schedule and welcomed me to the school. With a grateful nod, I thanked her and made my way towards the studio where my first class awaited. As I entered the studio, the sound of classical music filled the air, mingling with the rhythmic sounds of dancers practicing their movements. Taking my place at the barre, I let myself be swept away by the music and the energy of the room, knowing that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

Arabella St. ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now