Selfishly Yours

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Loving you is a story, whispered selfishly,
Telling a world, I, alone saw its pages' truth.

I could let my ink flow,
Putting all my days onto paper,
Yet, it's you who infuses life
Into each word I pen--
Reviving childhood's forgotten book,
Its tales transformed,
Now richer than I ever remembered.

Loving you is a sunbeam I've selfishly harnessed, gilding my mundane with its lavish grace.

Once, I sought forecasts
To mark my days
Designated for joy.
Now, our plans dance
Through the rhythm of the skies-
Picnics beneath the vast blue,
Or intimate whispers, as rain crafts our serenade outside.

Loving you is the tide's pull-selfishly mine,
Drawing you to my shore.

We aim to leave the world
Better than we found it
And yet, I steal away
The world's only you it has to offer us.

You, whose water I greedily bask in,
My soul cleansing in your radiant waves.

In this moment, as I hold you close,
I'll wear my selfishness
Like an arrogant cloak,
Proclaiming to all,
That in this selfish love,
I've discovered my purest self-
And I learn that this selfishness
Is one trait I'm happy
To keep with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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