Part 20

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♥️~part 20~❤️

*Tae looks deep into her eyes..."Tae continues to say..."I want to tell you this very important thing ..."*

Taehyung started to say:-

It was a silly crush I thought, but then day passed, I kept waiting for your one galance after the class, or when you sit by the grass,
The time you come, the time you leave, i mesmerised it by heart...I start noticing the color you wore,and that beautiful smell of yours, my friend teasing me with your name , when I accidentally wrote you initials on my hands....

It wasn't an accident we all knew, then I start wearing blue because all your favourites are mine too, the bands you like tho food you eat, the movie you see with me.... That silly crush wasn't so silly after all....

I want you to be 7 minutes , the last 7 minutes before my brain is dead, before all the memories we made will be faded like they never existed before , my love will take the shape of flower, you brings to my grave, no
You will not be in my 7 minutes , 7 minutes are to less to rewind , the great memories we had
You'll be in my whole 70 years if I live, you will be every star I see,you will be in every where,my praise will be in my whisperers,and the secret will be in my every 72 heartbeats...
You will be in my blood that flows though my veins ever random thoughts that will cross my mind you will be there.......

"I love you" you are the beginning of my soul and you are the end of it....

I love you lily I'm totally and madly in love with you , and I don't care, if you think it's too late I'm telling you anyway....

Well say something ...

*Lily seems to be slightly stunned by what she just heard...
"taehyung just confessed his love to me..."Lily thinks..."But was there a reason he waited this long till now..."Lily thinks..."Does he have faith that this love is meant to be?"Lily thinks..."I...I want to say something..."*

*Lily takes a deep breath..."I think..."Lily starts to say...."Lily proceeds to say..."Tae...I have realized something..."*

*Lily proceeds to say..."Tae...You are the best thing that has ever happened to me..."Lily takes a deep breath...

*Lily continues to say...

I don't know how it's feels to be loved?
How it's feel to be someone's first thoughts,
In the morning how it's feels like, to be the main character of someone's favourite ,romantic song a star for someone's scars, a poem some one remember by heart,
A piece of art someone keep close to the heart, a person to be in someone's wallpaper , an initial in someone's locket, a thought when someone stares at star for hours,a home someone craves for, a name someone bookmarks every time they read, a person someone talks about all the time, how it feels like to be the one person ,someone's life revolves around.....

I- I love you too taehyung....

With that taehyung immediately hugs lily
*Tae and Lily keep hugging..."Taehyung continues to hold her tight..."Taehyung is happy..." Taehyung is starting to think..."Lily also loves me...
taehyung starting talk: I will make you feel so loved I promise."This love was meant to be..."*

*Tae and Lily keep hugging longer but the meteor shower seems to be reaching its end...."Tae then lets her go...Tae proceeds to say..."I know that we are probably going to see each other often over the course of the next few weeks and months but I just wanted to tell you something really important before this day ends..."*

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