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The fashion industry used to be small in the city of Bœũellxæ, but after a Baroness by the name of Chęl Queel rose to popularity from her beautiful gowns, fashion became a popular lifestyle for a lot of the rich folk. it was a symbol of wealth to have a unique way to dress. For the poorer folk, they were demoted to hunting for scraps, especially after taxes were raised to impossible levels. Overcrowding on the streets quickly became a problem, so Chęl Queel never came up with a solution.  She single-handedly helped hundreds of people off the street, offering money and clothes and a place to sleep. She was a kindest woman in the whole city, becoming an icon across the world. She married Bron LeQuax, and had a three children. Two elder sisters and a son. When they all reached adulthood, they took over Chęls business in helping, but it wasn,t all good. 

The eldest of the sisters grew greedy, wanting more and more money to afford gowns that costed millions. She put a tax on the resources that were once free, which created an outrage among the city. The youngest brother simply watched on as his two sisters fought every day because of their different ideas, and the city once again began going South. Fights broke out, and a new order had to be installed once more. Because of this, gangs became a problem among the populated parts of the city. One gang in particular always made their way into the headlines. Everyday, a new heist. The group would target popular jewelry shops, clothing stores, and crash every party that the Baroness and her children held in their home. They were fast and each heist carefully mapped out, always a clear sign of escape, and the perfect outfits for each job. No one saw their faces, and the City folk developed a name for the group. 

The Fashionista thieves. 

They kept their real names hidden, but had nicknames. 

Ezmarelda, a sort of leader. She was always the one ahead of the group, yelling orders to the other four. She loved jewelry, and she would be the one spotted on the cameras stealing from the racks, shoving them into her bag and making a fast escape. Her long blonde hair was always styled in a beautiful way, giving her the unique appearance to stand out amidst the others. 

Neon, the tech guy. He was the one seen with unimaginably futuristic gadgets, like a robotic dog made to target police car wheels, and a hover board that could crash through a brick wall. He always wore bright clothing, with glowing necklaces and bracelets. He, much like the others, always wore a face covering when taking part in the heists. 

Bonnie, the lookout. She has gadgets, possibly made by Neon, that allow her to reach high places. She has been seen reporting to the others about how far a police car may be, or if there is anyone coming their way. She seemed to love accessories, always wearing bows, fake cat ears or bunny tails. Her hair covered most of her face, falling in tight curls. 

Daphne, the racer. She was the one who would lead police from where the group was raiding, her impossibly fast moterbike giving her a huge advantage on getting ahead. She was more tomboy compared to the others, wearing baseball caps with her long hair always platted. Her moterbike helmet covered her face most of the time. 

And finally Domanico. The one who was seen the least, but was able to steal bags of money with ease. He was able to pickpocket someones wallet out of their hands without them realizing. He never carried weapons, differently to the rest of the gang, and seemed calm on all the surveillance footage. 

The group was unstoppable, crazy, and unpredictable. No one knew where they would strike next. As long as they were around, the city would be unsafe. Even other gangs fear them, knowing they stood no chance against the fearless five. 

Just what would they do next? 

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