Chapter 17

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"With you, life's better.

with you, life gives me courage

to fight better

it's just that

With you ,life's better. "

Taegan's POV

"So are you waiting for Christmas, bitch?!" Adelaide scoffs walking behind me.

I sigh, taking a deep breath and walk past the students in a hurried footsteps. Thank god no student asked or cared about whatever happened in the cafeteria last time and far as the teachers are concerned.....they don't give a damn unless we drag the school's reputation along. But not so good because my stupid friends somehow found about the mess Trevor pulled in the cafeteria and now they are demanding an explanation right now.

I walk towards my economics class and just when I am in front of the class Naressa grabs my arms and pulls me in an empty storage room, followed by Adelaide as she closes the door.

"Are you nuts or what?! What the hell are you doing?!" I ask with annoyance at them while Naressa and Adelaide looks at each other and then glares at me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN DOING?!" Adelaide yells at me while Naressa elbows her to calm her down.

"Lower the voice. Teachers must not find us here" Naressa whispers to Adelaide as she rolls her eyes and then throws daggers at my direction. "Care to explain what the fuck was going on in the cafeteria on Tuesday?" Adelaide folds her arms and demands.

"No-Nothing" I answer looking away from them.

"Don't you dare to lie to us, Tae. We heard Penelope Brooks gossiping about you and Trevor at the social science class"

And boom. Days are gone, Taegan when students did not know or recognize or know you. All because of a certain fucking Evans. I should have known. Interacting with him is like interacting with public attention. Penelope is in science. Relax Tae. Maybe only people in the science stream knows about it and no humiliation would be faced by you when you reach economics later.

"Taegan Davies!" I shift my gaze towards Adelaide.

"If you know about the cafeteria incident, what's the confrontation about?" I shrug at them. They eye me with disbelief

"The confrontation is about why were you with that cricket maniac?!" Adelaide asks, raising her brow.

"I did not go to him. He was the one who approached me in the Cafeteria"

"And why's that? What business did he have with you?' Adelaide starts.

"Why did he throw glares at everyone after you ran away from there?" Naressa continues.

"And most importantly why did he run after you?"

"He even broke a glass for you. Like why?"

What? He broke a glass for me?

"What about Duke? Did he react or show any bit of expression when Trevor decided to intrude?"

"I mean I gave you an opportunity to be with him, Tae. What the fuck was Trevor doing between you two"

Okay now this is getting inside my head. This interrogation is becoming too long.

They both speak at the same time. "Is there something or between you and trevor......."

"SHUT UP!!!" I roar at them which makes them stiffen. Naressa blinks and signals to be quite pointing at the closed door of the storage room.

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