Volume 2 - IV

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एम एन सत्यम् प्रेम

"India! India!"

Some promises are kept forever

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Some promises are kept forever.


2 days later

"Will you be fine on your own?"

Ishan asked with concern filled eyes. Hiya looked at him and smiled, nodding.

It wasn't just because of Ishan they came to her house. It was also because her father had agreed to help Akhand Arora for sometime.

Her father was furious after learning what happened. Jaisingh Arora had provided them with security but Pandattva and Madri refused. However at the end, they couldn't convince Jaisingh to not keep atleast minimal security.

Pandattva knew all of this would attract uninvited attention towards their family and the rumours between Hiya and Ishan would intensify even more. Jaisingh and Jyotsana ensured nothing would happen and if something did, the Arora's would handle it all.

Hiya was currently at the AKAR residence in Mumbai. She had deliberately come with Veer and some of the other cricketers who were co-players with Ishan, so that nobody doubts her.

"I will be fine. Play well." Hiya said.

"You didn't answer me yet."

Hiya looked up at Ishan with a confused face. Or rather acted...

"Will you date me?" He repeated again.

Hiya sighed and tore her eyes from his. She was about to cry. Tears threatening to make their way out of her big eyes. She wanted to, so bad, but she couldn't.

Ishan Arora Singh. Crown prince of Akhand Arora.

And she was, Hiya Raj. Just an actress.

Her full name too sounded so simple, so light infront of his heavy and powerful name.

"Royalty doesn't matter to me, Hiya."

Ishan broke Hiya from her trance and she connected her eyes with his.

"It's just a status. Neither me nor my family let royalty come in between our relations. Even Vibha is marrying a businessman. He's no royal. Vikram Bhai too wishes to marry a normal girl only. Where's royalty here? That's not even applicable these days, but it's how we three were born that's why we're just namesake royals."

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