Chapter 1 | To Cobblestone Tor

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It was a breezy day in Cobblestone, and there was a girl sitting in a tree. You know, the usual. The girl in question, Amara, held a red headscarf in her hand. After looking at the sky for a few more seconds, the realization of the headscarf dawned in her mind and she jumped out of the tree, right in front of a girl with long blonde hair.

"Thanks so much, you're a lifesaver!" The blonde girl says happily to Amara, giving a big grin on her face. "Trust me to lose my headscarf just before the big ceremony!" The girl says with a guffaw as she ties the headscarf around her blonde hair, perching it neatly atop her head.

"So, it's finally here—the big day! I can't believe we're going to be climbing all the way up there!" The girl states, looking up to an overly tall mountain, towering over all of Cobblestone. The mountain was Cobblestone Tor.

A medium size light brown dog was standing at their feet, smiling, and panting happily at the two girls. She then made an action and ran off towards the Tor, causing an illicitly cute reaction from the blonde, "Hee hee! Looks like Sandy's keen to lead the way!" The girl takes Amara's hand and leads her slowly towards Sandy.

"Come on! Best not keep her waiting!" The blonde giggles again. Amara takes the hint, and starts walking towards Sandy, with her best friend in tow.

When the dog had lead both girls to the entrance to the Tor, the girls stopped, facing the ruins standing just outside the cave entrance. The blonde girl closes her eyes and reenacts a prayer;

"'Humble folk of Cobblestone,
Great Land Spirit's hearth and home...'

That's how it goes, isn't it?" The blonde girl, Gemma, says, opening her eyes and questions Amara. The brunette shrugs. "My grandad's been teaching me the prayer ever since I was little. He reckons the Spirit of the Land really does live on Cobblestone Tor, you see." Gemma explains with a certain spark of happiness in her eyes. Amara listens on.

"As long as I can remember, he's been preparing me for this day... The day it would finally be my turn to climb all the way up there and offer my thanks..." Gemma finishes, with a small and reassuring smile on her face. Amara had a look of interest and a face of kindness as Gemma explained this.

"I just wonder whose idea it was in the first place, sending the village's young folk on such a dangerous errand. What if I take a tumble and do myself a mischief?" At her words, Amara lets out a small laugh.

"I highly doubt that will happen, Gemma." The brunette says reassuringly. Gemma looks at Amara for a second, before replying, "Well, since you and me were born on the same day, I'm lucky enough to have a bodyguard along for the journey!" At her sentence, both girls erupt in small giggles.

Gemma shakes her head to ground herself after her laughing fit. When both calm down, she says, "Anyways, come on, then! That craggy old thing won't climb its—" Before she has a chance to finish her sentence, a weird squeak interrupts Gemma.

Amara turns around to see three Slimes bounding their way towards them. Amara quickly draws out her Cobblestone Sword as Gemma squeals, "Eeek! Monsters! They're coming this way!" Gemma makes a useless attempt to stand behind Amara, but as Amara and Sandy head into battle, it leaves Gemma to be on the sidelines.

After a few strong swings of her sword, and some powerful bites and barks from Sandy's end, the slimes are defeated pretty swiftly. Amara sheathes her sword with a slight huff, not liking the sudden interruption. The brunette turns to the blonde.

"Crikey, I wasn't expecting that! I know they were only little, but I'd've been down for if you and Sandy hadn't been here to help me!" She says in a flustered expression, the shock of the events clearly visible on her features. "And now we've got to go through that horrible, dingy cave. Just our luck!" Gemma's mouth curls into a small pout, as she states the next groaning obvious.

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