The Night I Got Raped By Zayn Malik - A One Direction Fanfic

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PLEASE Read- Yes I know rape is not a joke, this is just a story. This is not meaning to offend anyone and if you were ever raped of sexually abused I think you shouldn't read this. THANK YOU. THIS IS MY FIRST STORY AND I DONT KNOW IF ANYONE WILL READ IT BUT HERE GOES


You were so excited when your mom told you for your birthday you were taking a trip to Bradford, England. It was always where you wanted to go. You always read about Bradford, how it was a beautiful country town with green fields and old, memorable buildings. After all, it would be a big change from least for a month. When you got there, your mother and you rented a cottage in the moors of Bradford, England. And this is where the story... your story... begins.

It was a cold January night. You were looking out your window at the beautiful green grass, lit a milky blue by the full moon overhead. The whole field was washed a dim white. The beauty of the scene was breathtaking. You heard a knock at your door. Being a little annoyed, you turned your head to see you mother standing there. She yawned and pulled a bobbypin out of her black bun, letting her long black hair fall out loosley. "Um.. how do you like Bradford? " I asked. "It's lovely, Samantha. It really is. " She said, looking a little distant. You stood in silence for what seemed like eternity, and finally your mother said that she was going to bed. You nodded and she walked out, and you still stared out the window. You had the strongest urge to go out and walk in that wavering, knee high grass in the moonlight.. so you did. You quietly tiptoed downstairs, and very carefully opened the door, then shut it without waking your mom, which is unusual, since it seems like she can wake up from the sound of a grain of dust falling. The night was cold, but you didn't care. The moon was gorgeous and you saw the Milky Way in the black of night overhead. You stepped forward, and suddenly, broke into a run into the field. Freedom! You thought. You laughed at yourself at purposely fell into the grass, flattening the tall reeds. You got looking into the sky, looking at its majestic, awe inspiring appearance. Damn, you never wanted to go back to Seattle. This..this place is heaven. You heard a snap behind you. You ignored it, sure it was just a rabbit or something. Then a crack, like someone stepping on a branch. Whatever was coming it was heavy. You turned around, a little scared. Do they have bears in England? Or wolves? You thought. No, this is too close to a town. You shook the thoughts off and looked around again. Where was the house? Shit, you thought. Did I really have to go out this far in the middle of the night? I won't be able to find a way back! Stupid, stupid! You began to panic and suddenly, something heavy jumped on you, enough to knock the breath out of you. You could tell it was a man by it's weight and feel of it's skin. The man held both of your hands down with only one of his giant hands and covered your mouth with the other. You tried to escape, but you quickly found out there was no use. Squiming would only make him tighten his grip. The light of the moon reflected off his face. Was that? No, it couldn't be... Holy Shit. It was Zayn Malik of One Direction. A little gasp of surprise left your lips, and he pressed his hands closer to your mouth. "Shut up! Do you want to die?" He asked in a raspy English accent. You shut up. He tried to take your pants off. Oh no. Not this. Anything but this, you though. I'd rather fight or die trying. You kicked him in his groin, making him wince, but he swallowed the pain and slapped your cheek. It stung like hell. You began to cry. Dear God, please. Don't let him do this. I don't wanna die. Jesus, help me. You prayed in your mind. He eventually got your pants off. He ripped his off with no trouble, and you squeezed your eyes shut so much nobody could pry them open. You held your legs together, denying him entrance, but he puched your legs until you had to open them. Then, he slammed into you, making your eyes roll into the back of your head and you screamed under his hand, only making a little gasp on the outside. The pain was excruciating, it was terrible. It felt like a sharp burning knife was inside you. He thrust again, even deeper, and you begged God to make it stop. To make the horrible pain go away. You felt your vaginal muscles expanding to fit his very large penis, stretching so much it was the..the most horrible, most painful feeling in the world. You blacked out, and came back in so much times, drifing in the oceans of your mind, and being cast under the foamy waves again. You snapped fully awake again when he thrusted his full penis into you. Your body felt like it was going to rip in half. You blacked out again, and when you woke up, he was sitting there next to you. You saw he put your white pajama bottoms on again, it being bloodstained in between your legs. He just sat there, looking at you, his brown eyes glittering in the moonlight. You were so scared you couldn't breathe. Was he going to do it again? No. He wouldn't. He leaned close to you and kissed you lightly on your lips. You were so shocked you didn't even flinch. He licked your cheek once then got up, and walked away. For a second he turned his head around. "I'm so sorry. Sometimes I just can't control it. " he said. You saw his eyes looked wet and glassy, like he was about to cry. "I'm... sorry.." he said, the ran into the trees. You sat there until the morning, when your mom found you. That was an experience you would never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2013 ⏰

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