May of 2021 in Poland

183 3 2

Gabby POV:

I'm so excited that I can finally leave this insane place at the end of the month! Then I can finally be free! Although, I really hope my dad will let me have my plants and animals in house again. I'd love to figure out what I can do over the summer! Of course I'll care for my things, but I also want to potentially save more things in the environment! Nature is precious thing, you know? Without it, we don't live. That's just my opinion though. I hate it when people don't care for the nature. It's really what makes them live! Nature deserves better.

"Gabby, what are you doing?" an old man said.

"Oh, thinking." 

"Well, it's time for you to see her again."

"I-I don't want to."

"You only have three weeks left here. You shouldn't be mad about that now."

Gabby sighed. "Fine."

I have to go see my therapist again. I don't like her. She always dismisses things I'm going through, positive and negative. It's not fair for me. Right after I get out of it, I see her, it's like my evil twin, but I don't want to talk about that now. I'm sorry.

She closes her journal as she exits the room.

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