Chapter 16

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"When there are billions of people in the world,

  Why does it have to always be me?

  Why can't my heart think beyond my family

even though it cries in sympathy? "

//BEWARE! long chapter. I am sorry for these long extended chapters but I have planned out specific writing agendas for every chapter. If I don't hit the agenda then I wouldn't be able to complete the book//

Taegan's POV

Nooo nooo. The thing I feared came true. They are back before us. I quickly unfasten my seat belt. From the driver's seat, I can feel Trevor's gaze on me. But I don't care about anything right now. I get down from the car and quickly makes Sarang get down too. Thank god, she has finished her ice-cream on the way. Or else I would have gotten extra scolded for having her have ice-cream at this time.

Trevor gets down too. Shit. I can't make him involved in my family drama. Before he starts to walk ahead, I stop him and reply quickly. "Thanks for the ride and the day. You can leave now."

"Huh?" Trevor gives me a confused look that's when a voice, makes me close my eyes and sigh

"Taegan Davies!!!"

Carol marches up to me with anger written in her face. She glares at Trevor and then at me. I grip my hand around Sarang tightly. Carol looks like she could blast right now and my brother-in-law stands with a concerned look, beside her.

Please not now. I don't need a confrontation in front of him!

"Taegan what kind of joke is this even?!" My sister roars at me. Hoon pats on her shoulder and shakes his head. If anyone is one percent caring to me apart from my father in my biological family, it's Hoon. Even though we are not related biologically, he understands me in a way when my own sister don't.

"Taegan, Where were you and why were we not able to get in touch with you through phone, would you care to explain?" My sister asks me. I blink at her and then pull out my phone from my pocket.

Shit. The battery's dead.

"It's dead" I announce and she closes her eyes, frowning.

"Are you for real right now?! You take my daughter with you and your phone's not even working?!"

Trevor's POV

I roll my eyes, hearing the woman in front of me. So she's Sarang's mother. Whoever, she is, it still doesn't give her the right to talk to her sister like that.

"I demand an answer right now!!" Her sister roars at her. Taegan flinches and grips my jacket quickly. I look at her. Eyes closed and sighing.

I sign too and Iook at her sister.

"Just because you are her sister, does not give you the right to talk to her like that"

Her sister looks taken aback at my statement. Even the man beside her, eyes me suspiciously. Her husband, I presume. Taegan opens her eyes and looks at me, confused.

"And who are you even to interfere?" Her sister glares at me.

"The name's Trevor. Trevor Evans. I am Taegan...." I look at Taegan trying to figure out what to say. She just lowers her gaze, sighing. "I am her date for the day" I announce.

Everyone stares at me blankly while amid this Sarang smiles.

"So you mean to say you went out with a stranger, taking my 5 year old daughter with you. How could you be so careless, Tae?!" She demands.

𝓜𝓘𝓢𝓙𝓤𝓓𝓖𝓔𝓓 (Love, Lust & War 1)Where stories live. Discover now