Chapter 7: We Destroy A National Building

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Sorry, I know it's a shorter chapter than usual but I still hope you enjoy it!

Raiden P.O.V.

"Are you sure we're supposed to be here?" I raised an eyebrow at Grover. "The prophecy said we needed to go west, not to a museum about space."

We stood outside the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.

"This is where the tracking spell said we needed to go," said Grover.

"I don't know," I said, glancing around. "There is something dangerous in the air; if Ainsley were here she'd be able to..."

I didn't finish the statement because Orion looked murderous at mentioning his daughter. Ever since I had told him about the mention of Ainsley in my dream about Artemis, he'd been brooding and basically ready to murder anyone who tried to hurt him. This was unlike him, as every time I had been with the Hunt, Orion had been very good-natured; he acted like a father to me, more than Kronos ever did.

"Let's just go inside," Bianca said. "See what we can find out."

The six of us entered the building and walked through the admissions area. It was eerily quiet with only a few families and tour groups around, and I was on high alert, ready to pull out my axe at any sign of a monster. The central area of the museum was a massive room, not unlike the cathedral I had once destroyed in Italy. Airplanes and rockets were suspended from the ceiling, and three tiers of balconies curled around, allowing for viewings of the exhibits from different levels.

There was a sound of footsteps behind me, and I was quick to act; using the handle end of my axe, I rammed it hard into the stomach of the individual. This caused them to double over with pain, and I took the opportunity to knock the sword they were holding out of their hands. I sheathed my axe rapidly, tackled the individual to the ground, put my knees on their chest to prevent them from rising and put my fist to their throat.

It was only when I saw the sea-green eyes that I realized it was Percy.

"It's just Percy," I said to the others, who had drawn their weapons at my movements.

"You," growled Zoë, her bow pointed directly at the son of Poseidon's face. "You have quite the nerve to show thy face here."

"He's here." Percy was wheezing slightly because of the pressure I was putting on his chest.

"Who?" asked Thalia.


Thalia's face turned pale. "He is? What happened?"

Percy explained about his adventure in the Natural History Museum with a guy called Dr. Thorn, Luke, and the General.

"No," I said. "We need to leave, now."

"What?" asked Percy blankly.

"I'm not talking to you," I snapped. "Zoë, we must act immediately."

"It cannot be the General," said Zoë, apparently oblivious to what I had said. "You are lying, boy!"

"There's no reason I would lie!" said Percy indignantly. "Just listen; we don't have much time. A bunch of skeleton warriors-"

"What?" interjected Thalia. "How many of them?"

"There are twelve of them," Percy replied. "But that's not our biggest problem; the General dude said he's sending 'playmates' over here, to mislead you."

Twins of the Hunt - Book 3: The Rescue ✔️Where stories live. Discover now