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TW: Mentions of violence/torture, death and vomit
James walks away and I watch his retreating figure, until I can't see him anymore, which is when I turn my attention back to the view.
I originally came to the Astronomy Tower to just relax and have a break, I've been studying for OWLs non-stop, and now on top of my missions and my double agency, it's all a bit too much.
I did not expect to find James here, and I did not expect him to shower me in compliments and nice words, it sparked something within me. I feel so...conflicted. I love Arlo, of course I do.
But I fear that Arlo will never have my whole heart, because I'm not ready to fully take it away from James.
I really thought I was over him, that I had removed myself from that relationship, but maybe I moved on far too quickly.
I take some time to myself to go over my situation, mull over my relationships with James and Arlo in my head.
After Dumbledore's speech at dinner, I find myself searching the Hall for James. I don't know why. I think I'm just drawn to him, there's something in me that is always searching for him, I think I'll always be searching for him.
I find him and I just look at him, maybe I want him to look back. I'm not too sure what I want from him, or what I'm waiting for, but I continue to stare at him, probably for longer than I should. After a few moments, his eyes catch mine and it feels as though he was looking for me too. We simply stare at each other, neither of us wanting to be the first to look away.
"Reg" Evan pulls me away from my staring at James and now my attention is on him.
"Hm?" I ask
"Are you having your potatoes? There are none left and I want more, plus Barty won't share" Evan asks
"Wow, Barty, some boyfriend you are" I tease, spooning my potatoes onto Evan's plate, causing his face to light up.
"I'm gearing toward boyfriend of the year, me" Barty replies
"Fuck, I wanted that title, but I don't stand a chance against you" I state with fake solemn, causing us all to laugh.
After dinner we head out of the Great Hall. Arlo is headed to the library, but I think if I have to look at one more book today I might gouge my eyes out with a teaspoon, so I decide not to join him.
I catch up to James on my way out and pull him away from his group.
"Hey, Reg, what's up?" Asks James
I pause.
I'm not entirely sure why I've pulled him aside. I just wanted to see him, wanted to be close to him.
"I just wanted to ask if you were okay, after what you said about the war earlier, I just wanted to ask if you were alright after Dumbledore's speech" I reply, it's not entirely a lie, it's just not the reason I pulled him aside, because there is no reason, I just wanted him.
James smiles at me and I swear I can feel my heart physically melt. "That's sweet of you, love, I'm alright, are you?" He asks and I nod
"That's good, I-I'm good" I reply
I want him closer. I move closer, he doesn't stop me.
"Is that all you wanted?" Asks James, I can see his breathing becoming irregular the closer I get to him
"Not exactly, no" I reply shakily as I lean into him, he dips his head, encouraging me.
I close the space between us and capture him into a kiss and he melts into it. Neither of us stops, instead we deepen the kiss. I then pull away and pull James into a nearby classroom which is thankfully empty.
"Should we be doing this?" Asks James as I walk back over to him
"Do you want me to stop?" I ask and he shakes his head
I kiss him once more but he pulls away "What about Arlo?" Asks James
"What about Lily?" I counter
"Lily asked if I was alright with us opening our relationship, but I doubt Arlo would allow that in your relationship" James replies
He's right, Arlo would never forgive me, he'd be furious.
"Arlo never has to know" I say
"Fuck, Reg, you've put me between a rock and a hard place here"
"We don't have to continue"
"I want to. Regulus I want you so fucking bad, you have no idea, and when we kissed earlier, all I could think about was ripping your clothes off of your body and exploring every inch of you, but I restrained myself, now I have the opportunity and I'm stuck between wanting you more than I can express and wanting to be a good man" He begins to pace the room
My heart aches for him "I want you too, James, you're always the better man, do something bad for once, and Merlin please make me the bad thing you do" I sound desperate. I am desperate.
"Fuck it" James states and strides over to me and captures me into a ferocious kiss, his hands rubbing up and down my back while my hands snake into his hair.
He presses himself against me and fuck it feels good to feel his body against mine. I grind my hips against him, so needy for the friction. I whimper into his mouth as his hips grind against mine
"Fuck, do that again" James groans, so I do, I whimper into his mouth once more and James buries his head into my shoulder and groans. He then starts to undress me, and I begin to undress him at the same time.
We're acting out of need, out of lust.
Once James has removed my clothes he's kissing me again "bend over the desk" James demands into my mouth. I nod and do as I'm told.
James positions himself behind me. I feel his hands on my hips and gasp as he pushes himself into me. James groans when he's fully in and takes a moment before he starts to thrust into me.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good" James moans as he thrusts in and out of me. I can only moan in response, I have no coherent thoughts in this moment, all I can focus on is the pleasure coursing through my veins.
"Fuck, baby, are you close? I can't hold it much longer" James asks desperately
"Yes, please don't stop, James, I need you to keep going" I reply in an equally desperate tone, feeling my climax building up in my lower abdomen. I feel myself shake against the table as I finally reach my climax and James moans my name as he lets himself finish too. When he pulls out I turn to face him where he then places his forehead against mine and kisses me softly.
"I missed that" I admit
"Me too" James agrees, his forehead still resting against mine.
James then stands up so he can get dressed. When he does so, his gaze lingers on the Dark Mark on my arm and I can see him grimace which causes me to quickly hold my arm against my torso to hide the Mark.
The both of us continue to get dressed, a comfortable silence settling over us.
"What does this mean for us?" Asks James and I sigh
"I- I don't know" I reply
He nods slowly "Okay, then" is all he says and I can't decipher that.
"I'd better go" I say
"Did I do something wrong?" Asks James
"No! No, not at all, baby, you were perfect, you always are" I reply
"Baby?" Asks James
"You used to like it when I called you that" I reply
"You're right, I did, I do" James states with a smile. I walk over to him and kiss him.
"I'll see you again soon, okay?" I ask and he nods
"Okay, goodnight, love" James replies
"Goodnight" I say, stealing one last kiss before I leave.
When I get back to the Slytherin Common Room, I head straight up to my dorm room and when I do, I get ready for bed, lay down in my bed and almost instantly fall asleep.
I wish my sleep had been peaceful, but my sleep never is lately.

James and I are in a room, one I don't recognise.
James is holding me and kissing me, grinding against me, I  move my hips to meet his to increase the friction. James leans his head against mine, groaning in a way that turns me on more.
Suddenly, James is ripped away from me. My eyes shoot open and I search panicked for him. I then see him being held with a wand against his neck by the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord grips his other hand in James' hair, pulling his head back roughly to expose more of his neck, and hold his wand point further into James' neck.
"Fraternising with the enemy, Regulus?" Asks the Dark Lord
"Let him go" I plead
"Why would I do that? When I have a Potter in my clutches? I would say a blood traitor is on parr with a mudblood, wouldn't you? The Potter family are most certainly blood traitors which is worth punishing in itself. But knowing you hold him so dear to you, Regulus, well, I could kill two birds with one stone, if I kill him, he pays for his crimes and you suffer with his loss as punishment for yours" The Dark Lord threatens
"Please, I'll do anything" I beg
"You would?" The Dark Lord questions. I nod frantically
"Let him go and I'll do whatever you want" I promise
The Dark Lord Throws James to the floor and kicks him in the ribs for good measure, causing James to groan.
"Kill him" The Dark Lord  demands
"What? No" I reply
"You said you would do anything for me not to kill him" The Dark Lord states
"Please, please don't make me" I beg
"Crucio" the Dark Lord says carelessly, his wand in James' direction. The room is instantly filled with James screams, and I watch as he writhes on the floor in pain, helpless.
"Let me take his place, please" I beg
"Regulus, no" James protests
"You wish to take his place?" Asks The Dark Lord and I nod
"Yes, please, just don't hurt him" I beg
"Very well. Crucio" The Dark Lord states
Instantly, pain courses through my veins, unrelenting, unyielding pain, in evert inch of my body. There's no escape. I scream and writhe in the same way James did mere moments before. The torture stops momentarily and I look up to ensure that James is safe.
However, the moment I look up "Avada Kedavra" 
I watch a green flash of light hit James and his body falls to the floor. I hear myself let out a guttural, grief-stricken scream as I rush over to James' body and shake him, but it's no use, he's gone. I continue to cry into his body, my body consumed in grief
"Actions have consequences, Regulus, this should teach you something" The Dark Lord states before he disappears

I wake up in a cold sweat, my breathing heavy and my arm burning. I clutch my hand over the Dark Mark, trying to quell the persistent burning sensation, but to no avail. I get up and head to the bathroom where I run my arm under some cold water which seems to help slightly. I then splash my face with cold water about three times before drying it off and taking some deep breaths and then turning to the toilet where I promptly vomit into the bowl.
I brush my teeth and splash my face with water once more before I head back into my bed, but I do not sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see James' body drop to the floor, so I stay up for the rest of the night, staring at the ceiling, waiting for the sun to rise.


Hello there my lovelies!

We have spice, we have angst, we have it all really in this one! Just to let you know, in no way do I condone, promote or encourage cheating, and neither do James and Regulus, they do both feel guilty about what they did and they know that they have done something wrong. I just had to put that out there, cheating is unacceptable, but also remember that they are young and still learning, which does not make it right but it is a considerable factor, oh and it is also fictional so we shouldn't be TOO mad about it but anyways I hope you enjoyed this one my loves! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,
Blue <3

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