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014 — through many dangers, toils and snares

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014 — through many dangers,
toils and snares

season two —
episode fourteen

season two — episode fourteen

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One Month Later

A MONTH HAS PASSED since the four girls excluding Aspen were arrested for Alison's murder.

Aspen sits in her car waiting at the entrance of the park for Hanna after agreeing with the blonde to pick her up for a coffee catch up after her community service.

Aspen bites biting her lip staring at her phone, it's been a month since she's seen or heard from Jason.

Since the truth came out about her miscarriage and her hooking up with Wren Kingston and Eric Kahn while they were on break.

"How was community service Han?" Aspen questions seeing Hanna's scrunched up face getting in her vehicle.

"Finally finished, Spencer and Emily are still fighting though" Hanna grunts doing up her seatbelt.

"What, why this time?" Aspen frowns, "Ugh, just them being petty, how are you though?" Hanna asks not forgetting about the supposedly break up her best friend is going through.

"I'm fine" Aspen shrugs driving off towards the Brew for their coffee catch up, "You sure?" Hanna frowns hearing the stutter in Aspen's voice.

Aspen hums parking her car and exiting the vehicle walking alongside Hanna into the Brew quickly picking out their seats before Hanna motions that she's going to order for the both of them.

Aspen sighs biting her lip ignoring the heartbreak fluttering in her chest eventually breaking out in a small smile at the thought of Bowie asleep at her apartment and Gabbie—her friend from downstairs looking after the little puppy.

Hanna returns to the table handing the blonde her iced coffee and sitting down beside her exhaling in exhaustion from the community service she's now officially finished doing.

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