Blinded by Love

513 22 31

It's hard.

When all you've ever known is to be told what to do.

Do this, do that.

Kill this guy, kill that guy.

Kiss this guy, kiss that guy.

Fuck this guy, fuck that guy.

It's tiring at first. But then it becomes your whole life.

Or after life. Who cares.

It's okay, though.

Because the only choice you do have, is to allow people to tell you what to do.

You allow them to make your every move.

Because when you make a choice yourself, it never ends up good.

Deciding things require you to have some sort of a brain.

He isn't smart enough for that.

See, this is what kept him alive.

He could blame it on anything he wants, but it's all his fault in the end.

Anthony is a drop out student.

Why finish school if you're just going to kill people for a living?

As a kid, he saw how those parents looked at their children.

He saw it in their eyes.

The joy.

The hope.

The love.

So, he did everything he could to get that same feeling.

To see that same reaction in his father's eyes.

But they were always looking at his brother.

His father didn't want him in the chain of his work.

But he made his decision on his own and got himself in just to prove he was worth something,


to his father, to his brother, that he was useful.

And spending years seeking for any type of affection, it's easy to mistaken simple gestures with what you're seeking for.

One little smile from a random guy he just met and he called it love.

He falls too easily.

Clings onto the smallest of affection people give him.

He lets them tell him what to do.

Even when it leads him to their bed.

In bed they're only focused on him.

And he loves that attention.

He craves it.

Especially when they hit him.

He knows they're only focused on him.

Val was only focused on him.

And he loved it.

Everyone else were just side bitches,

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