8 - Wishes

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As the months flew by, Arillia slowly became accustomed to life in Moira. At least, here she had more freedom. She was able to go out whenever she wanted and stay out for however long she liked but she always came back before the sun set - Maera would never allow her to stay out past dark...She often found herself wandering the gardens or browsing the shops in town though she never went anywhere without Fraser. Sometimes - if she was feeling up to it - she would go to the stables and look after the horses but being there for too long reminded her of Nightmare and how she longed to ride the familiar fire horse through the Fields.

That day, Ari was out shopping with Fraser who had to practically drag her out of her bed that morning.

"C'mon, I know how much you love fresh bread! There won't be any if we don't hurry." Of course, he had to mention her one weakness - bread; especially cheesy bread that the local baker made with garlic butter. It was absolute heaven.

Ari had rushed to get ready before following her brother into town where they now sat by the Wishing Well, a fountain in the center of town, enjoying their cheesy bread.

According to a few locals, if one were to throw a gold coin into the well, their wish would come true. Ari had never heard of such a thing and found it fascinating. She watched as two children ran up to the fountain bursting with excitement.

"What are ye gonna wish fer?" The little boy asked, thumbing his gold coin.

"I can't tell you that!" The little girl slapped his shoulder. "It won't come true!"

"But-" The little boy started and she shook her head.

"No buts. Now make a wish!" She closed her jade eyes and held the coin close to her heart before tossing it into the fountain, the boy followed suit.

Ari watched as they giggled and ran off.

"As carefree as a summer's breeze." Fraser murmured and Ari looked up to find him staring after the children.

"Must be nice." She mused. He glanced down at her.

"Perhaps but growing is a part of life too. Like the trees, they were emerald green when we first arrived but now they're a rustic orange and soon they will fall to the ground and be covered in snow. It's just the way things are."

"If I'm not mistaken, Moira is the only kingdom that has all four seasons. Amaura and Chaya are both so dry and hot that there is barely any moisture in the air and yet our crops still grow."

"The mages from the Tower must be working overtime to accommodate the lack of rain we receive throughout the year."

"I wonder how everyone is holding up." As her mind began to wander, Ari's eyes turned toward the Rayrose Sea.

"I'm sure, they're all doing fine. Nico's probably got his nose stuck in a book. Veil is probably trying out a new magic technique with Aiden supervising, no doubt."

"Xaidar is dealing with the Monster and the nobles..." Ari added.

"Oh, man, I bet he's having the time of his life with that." Fraser laughed and took a swing from the flask he had hidden away in his robes.

"Where do you hide that?" Ari frowned, nodding to the flask.

He shrugged. "Best not to ask questions you don't want the answers to."

Ari thought for a moment and then she shook her head. "Forget I asked."

After a while of people-watching, the two began their walk back to the castle. Ari's eyes were instantly drawn to the forest once more. Every time she passed it, she couldn't help but wonder about it. No one had told she couldn't go in and yet she felt like it was forbidden to her.

The Outlaw Princess: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now