7 - Upon Arrival

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WARNING: This chapter is rather long but there are scene breaks!

It took thirty-one days and thirty nights to reach Moira, by the time they docked in Wayland Harbor, a crowd had formed. Excitement ran high as they all tried to catch a glimpse of this foreign princess.

Arillia felt nauseous just thinking about it. While she might have enjoyed crowds back home, here she didn't know the layout of the city and she didn't want to get lost or swept up in the crowds.

"Hey, spacey," Fraser called, coming up behind her and knocked a couple times on her head.

"What?" She looked up at him, swatting his hand away.

He chuckled before his face turned serious. He lowered his voice so only she could hear him despite them being alone on deck. "Look, I won't always be around to protect you so I want you to keep this with you, okay?" He pulled out a dagger dipped in gold.

Ari eyed the strange piece. "Why?"

"As I said, I want you to be able to protect yourself when I'm not around." He placed the dagger in her hand and looked her deep in the eyes. "When in doubt, stab for the throat." He mimicked stabbed a couple times. "You might want to hide that though. Maera would kill me if she found out I gave you a blade without proper training." He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

She looked at the dagger then back at him and at the sound of footsteps, she hurriedly placed it in her bag.

"As I was saying, everything will be okay. You've got me, Maera, and the crew. Nothing's going to happen to you." Fraser winked at her and she smiled, relief flooding her.

"Absolutely. Not on my watch." Maera announced coming up behind them - one hand on her sheathed sword, the crew appearing right on the ends of her crimson cloak.

"Exactly. We won't let anything happen to you, princess." Ivone nodded and the others followed.

The hustle and bustle of the docks reminded Arillia so much of Queen's Landing. Fishermen were bringing in their catch of the day, merchants were selling goods at tiny wooden stalls propped up against stone walls, a fleet of ships littered the docks, and crates of every shape and size were being loaded and unloaded.

They made their way through the crowded streets, merchants shoving fish, bread, spices, and other exotic foods into their faces. Those that weren't trying to sell their wares, gawked and pointed at the large group. They were quite the sight with Fraser walking confidently out in front, next to him was Radclyf and Autumn - the people paying close attention to her. Ari recalled reading in one of the books in the library that the dire wolf was a sacred hunting companion to the royal family and the army of Moira.

Looks like it's true. Given how they were bowing their heads to her as she passed by...Ari heard a slap come from her left and looked to find Adger rubbing his head. She arched her brow but didn't ask any questions as a carriage made of stone and vines stopped in front of them.

A tall man dressed in brown trousers, a dark green blouse and vest hopped out of the carriage with a bright smile. "Welcome to Moira, your highness. I pray the Gods were favorable on your journey here." The man was quite cheery and Ari wondered what he had to be so happy about.

"It was alright. Nothing we can't handle." Fraser stepped forward. "And you are?"

"I am Chase, your royal guide. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I am at your service." He swept his arm wide behind him almost as if he had an invisible cape and bowed low.

"Great. Well, let us be on our way then." Fraser nodded, placing a hand on Ari's shoulder. She got in the carriage after him.

"Oh, I'm afraid the carriage only seats four but I will arrange another one to come into town to pick up the rest of your party." Chase announced and Fraser arched his brow.

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