The Big Day

498 18 33

Day 7

The final day.








Angel brought the covers over his head.




"WHAT?!" The spider yelled at his thankfully locked door. "Husker has requested for you to get dressed by 9:00 AM. You are required to attend the game tonight, it is your soul that is going to be on the line and-"

The man's talking became muffled once the spider closed his pillow on both ends of his ears. If the game was tonight, why's he being woken up now? He glanced at his digital clock on his bedside table. It's fucking 6:00 AM. He groaned and sat up, his hair fuzzy and out of place. When he stayed with Val, he was never allowed to wake up like this, no matter how comfy. He'd go to sleep perfectly and wake up perfectly, that's how Val liked it. It's how he liked it.

But he'd be lying if he said that wasn't the best sleep he's had in years, especially when his legs were a bit tired from all that running and climbing. Angel uncovered himself from his blanket and gently placed his pig plush to the side. Gosh, he really can't wait to go back to Nuggets. He wonders what he's been doing, if he's okay, if they're feeding him right, if he's getting his exercise, or if he's being treated right, he really misses him.

With an aching heart, Angel rose from his soft bed and headed to the bathroom to begin his morning routine.

"Your request was sent sir. Angel Dust was informed of getting dressed." The imp said, bowing his head for the man in front of him. Husk waved his hand, shooing the man away, who nodded and followed through easily. He was out of his office as soon as Husk's hand returned to his side and made his way passed the only other door on the floor. Angel's door. He heard a faint sound of what sounded like a shower, so he continued his way towards the elevator.

Husk sighed, running a long claw through his neatly combed hair as he slouched over his desk. He mentally gave Val a week to come back and claim his prize in exchange for something bigger, some better than a measly porn star. And his timing was perfect. Just this morning he was informed of an invitation for a simple game from the moth overlord himself.

And Husk knew how he wanted to approach the situation. He was confident about he wanted the outcome to be, he was ready for the game today, fuck, he's been ready since the fourth day he's been here. That day.. He couldn't get the information out of his mind, and the fact he will be coming in contact with the overlord once again made him feel uneasy. The man with a broken soul was now in his hands, and he was expected to give it back for some fucking pity pocket change.

He opened a drawer from his desk and placed a few dice in his hand, listening as they rattled against one another in his palm. It made his ear twitch, not out of excitement or anything really. It gave him satisfaction. The man loved a good game of soul betting, but this one will be different. He stood from his chair, bringing one bottle he had stashed away from under his desk along with him as he walked towards another part of his strangely big office. His feet brought him to a wall, an empty wall. It stretched far, and there were no picture frames or any decoration to cover the wall, leaving it plain.

That was until a wave of Husk's hand sent a signal to the wall, and a wave of cards appeared out of thin air displayed and hung in order. The cards seemed to stick magically, but these cards were obviously different than the cards Husk was used to playing. Cards covered the wall entirely in a straight row and multiple columns, pictures of each sinner he owns on each card. His golden eyes glance over each and every one, on his eye level at least, walking slowly and watching the cards closely as if they're going to disappear.

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