Warning Alarms

561 17 20

Day 6

The lack of drugs in the spider's system was eating him alive by now. Hes been living off of the drinks served to him by Husk and eating slightly more than he would at the studio. He knew Val would kill him for it, but hey, Husk won him over with chocolate muffins. The spider has such a sweet tooth, which surprised Husk a bit. After getting used to the spider's presence, despite the fact it's been a bit less than a week, he took the man as.. A bit of a bitch. He felt like Angel was the type of man to play roblox and tell little kids to kill themselves or scam them by telling them his dad works for roblox.

And he totally would.

Sadly, he wasn't alive in that time. Instead, he'd rather be snorting a line right now as he sat in his clean and well decorated bedroom, finishing his last touches of his face by applying lipstick and placing it neatly in his pocket. Back at the vee's tower, there was hardly a time the spider wouldn't have some sort of cocaine in his body, and he loved it. He loved the feeling of not being there to witness the harsh reality of what was happening, he'd rather just allow his mind drift off and get paid to do it. He urged to snort up anything of the sort now, but had nothing. He couldn't leave to any other floor without being accompanied by Husk, but he wasn't so sure Husk would allow him to get high right now.

Why wouldn't he allow it? The man hasn't really denied anything. Besides Angel's constant sexual comments, and the fact that Angel can't leave without being supervised by anyone other than him. He didn't trust anyone enough to watch the spider, he knew Angel would either kill them or outsmart them.

As of now, the casino was open and lively as always. There were a ton of people scattered around inside as music played in the background. Husk decided to check in with his employees at this time, since the time he usually spends chatting with them he spent with Angel. He has no favorites, of course, but he couldn't let Angel just rot in the room for a week straight.

Even though the man chats with the souls he owns, it doesn't make him any less of a bad person. He'll trade any soul that steps out of line and make sure they go to Alastor, who will do whatever he desires to them. He didn't care if it was to eat and broadcast, or to just kill off. It wasn't his problem. It wasn't like he let Alastor do the punishments for him though, Husk does show souls consequences if they disobey. Just very different compared to Alastor's ways.

Alastor chooses to broadcast it for everyone to hear, but Husk chooses to do so silently. He doesn't want people to know just how powerful he can be when provoked, but he kills slowly and painfully just the same. Every one of his workers were nothing more than employees for his casino. Not friends. Not anything else. He needs to have a conversation with them about updates on things they might need and working schedules, so that was exactly what he was doing right now.

While Husk was actually doing his job, Angel was in his room thinking of ways to get the drug. I mean, just one more day until Val comes, he can wait a day right? This was the closest to clean he's ever been, even while he was alive. Angel tossed and turned on his big pink bed. He couldn't ask Cherri since he didn't have a phone, and he didn't want to bother Husk. Actually, who gives a fuck about bothering Husk? Who did you think he was, respectful? Thats funny.

Angel sat up and adjusted his shirt properly, he wasn't allowed to be seen on any of the gambling or gaming floors. So, he decided to not wear anything too sexy, not wanting a good outfit to go to waste. Plus, he's always hot. He could still get laid if he was wearing a grandma's dress with cat piss all over.

He peeked out his head out from his room, checking the area to see if anyone was doing any business on Husk's personal floor. There was never really anyone up here, only if they were coming to inform Husk about something right away. Even so, they usually call him through the office phone first. Unless he doesn't respond. Angel shook his thoughts away, not wanting to overthink something as small as that and fully emerged outside of his room. He shut the door behind him, quickly moving to the elevator and clicking the button he thought Husk would be at.

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