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There are screen shots, gifs, links, and thousands upon thousands of tweets and text posts mostly in all caps with unrelated gifs of people having freak outs to convey the amount of feels the posters are having. The shippers are losing their shit, literally foaming at the mouth and seizing in little piles of fangirl goo. Or so that's how Anthony imagines it.

For the most part, they kept things a secret. Of course people figured out that Anthony had moved back into the Smosh house which in fact excited the fans so much that they were attempting to make it into an international holiday. It wasn't long after that the fandom learned that Anthony and Kalel (as they knew her) were (and still are) broken up and only a week or two passed until people began to suspect that Ian was single as well.

Thus tumblr had a bit of an Ianthony boost but, today, the Ianthony tag is going crazy. There's several new posts every minute and Anthony can hardly keep up with it. And it's the same thing, over and over and over again. He feels sick to his stomach as he stares at his computer screen, trying to scroll down to the first poster who'd seen it. He wants someone to blame for this, he needs someone to blame for it.

"Ian!" he calls out loudly, his eyes still not breaking from the screen, "Ian you better come see this!"

Ian comes a few minutes later, a towel around his waist. Anthony looks over his shoulder as the still wet, naked boy enters the room. His usual bowl haircut is slicked back from the water and there's a gleam to his skin and while that's all very sexy, Anthony just can't help but notice (of all things) his boyfriend's stomach.

It's no new discovery that Ian's put on a couple of pounds over the last year or so. Not that the fans go on about it too much, most of them are too nice to even notice, but Anthony is more than just aware of it. Ian had always been skinny, almost emo thin just like Anthony had been, ever since high school. Of course, he was kind of pudgy when he was little so it only made sense that the pudge would come back later down the road. It tempts the taller boy now, a thin, well groomed happy trail darkly stringing down past the puff of chubbiness and just settling at the hips. Anthony smiles secretly, momentarily distracted about the crisis at hand and keeping his comments concerning his partner's inadvertent cuteness to himself.

"That- that's-" Ian says before turning to Anthony, "You didn't remember to cover it up?"

"I wouldn't have had to cover it up if you hadn't given me one!" the older boy argues back, now taking back all thoughts of Ian's adorableness and going red at the cheeks.

Ian bends closer and leans into the screen. There's some odd hundred of notes on the post which is a screen shot of Anthony's profile. His emo bangs obscure a chunk of his face but the focus is really the very clear lighting on the handsome boy's neck.

"Besides, they saw yours too!" Anthony argues back.

"What? But- I wore a turtle neck!"

Ian nearly throws the other boy aside as he seizes the mouse and begins scrolling downwards. There's so many text posts, hundreds of voiced opinions of approval and theories (most of which were generally overdramatic and suprisingly morbid at times).

"Keep scrolling," Anthony urges, knowing there would be a side by side of them somewhere.

Ian does as he told and 'lo and behold there's a screen shot of him pulling down his turtle neck (caught mid scratch) and there on his neck is a purple and red discoloration. Right next to him is a screen shot of Anthony, looking off to the left and sure enough there's the same sort of discoloration. The lighting's not as good as the other picture but it's better than most of the others. In a way, Anthony is sort of grateful they don't film vlogs in HD. Granted, when they went in to film their main channel video they got a lot of weird looks from the makeup crew for the excurtiatingly obvious love bites.

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