2. the message

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She always stalked in the shadows and struck before light could get a chance to touch her

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She always stalked in the shadows and struck before light could get a chance to touch her. Even the dust in her wake settled down before the ear-buzzing sound of paramedics and cops blared into the silent surrounding.

Before anyone could have got a chance to ponder over what was touching them, she had her infamous dagger plunged across their throat, leaving their mouth snapped open, eyes wide and head lulled apart from the lifeless body.

But this was her last preferred method of killing.

No, she didn't go around quenching the bloodthirst of her dagger randomly. She scanned her victims like a vulture firstly. Once her prey was marked, she gave them subtle hints to step back, then she dropped visible signs in their path to make them aware of the impending danger on their precious lives. Smart were those who laid off and staggered out of her way before she could reveal herself to them. Dumb were those who brushed aside the ringing bells and dared to challenge her warnings.

Maddox De León was one of the latter. He had been given the warnings to quit his games––the rebels against her––but he ignored it, and lastly, marked the death stamp over his name. What he never imagined was, the death was already knocking at his door. It, indeed, had caught up too soon.

That night, he had just entered his dark and deserted house when the glass window in his bedroom, on the first floor, shut closed after a blurry figure slipped inside the room, leaving a long-lasting echo withering around. Either Maddox was too tired to notice the slim figure, dressed in black from head to toe with a red and yellow mask over their face, or he blamed the wind for causing that sudden action.

It was as if in his last few remaining moments of life, his conscience left him, too.

He walked towards the dining area, shrugging off his leather jacket somewhere on the way and loosened the grey tie around his neck. Clumsily, he poured himself a glass of water and gulped it in a breathless go, not even bothering to pay attention to the faint sound of someone descending the stairs.

He should have paid attention.

He heaved a tired breath and struggled to keep his eyes open. The past two days had drained him. Being the security lead for a mafia clan, and not sleeping even for a blink had started taking a major toll on him.

Maddox let out a loud yawn, the sound giving her the chance to roll a silver chain across her palm and sneak up to him from behind. This was a feast for her. Her prey had himself bared his throat to her, without a fight.

Squealing just a little, she breezed to his left at a swift pace and hid behind the large thick curtains, after throwing a green marble to his right, making it appear that someone was snooping behind the curtains on his right side.

It was enough for Maddox to go into an alert mode as he pulled out the gun from his waistband and adopted a defensive stance, his eyes taking in the dimly lit living room of the otherwise graveyard alike silent house. Long lost was the sleep now.

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