1. Prologue

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When one is associated with the mafia, impending sense of death shouldn't be a surprise

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When one is associated with the mafia, impending sense of death shouldn't be a surprise. But, when the bearer of death is someone sharing the same blood, fear and betrayal are bound to come rushing.

Adrianna knew she had to face that day at some point in her life, and yet seeing her death so close, even the most feared assassin couldn't hide the shakiness of her hands.

There was a tremble in the way she held onto her gun, almost as if hoping for something inevitable. Something miraculous. The fear that was reflected in the occasional flickering of her irises was not unknown either. She was helpless, and there was no way to pretend otherwise. Whom could she have relied upon? Upon mere minutes of entering into the abandoned building, gunshots had been fired relentless, and the slightest hope of someone making it out alive felt nothing but an ephemeral idea.

There was nothing she could have done when she saw her last standing warrior getting lanced with the bullets until every inch of his black-clad body was soaked in blood and his face became unrecognizable.

She couldn't even bat her eyes for once when a bullet wheezed at a blurry pace and stuck into her wrist, making her drop the gun without as much a wince.

No, she didn't allow that one gasp to tear free of her throat when the second bullet roared before hitting her kneecaps. She did come to her knees at last, fulfilling their oaths.

She didn't permit the tears of pain to spill when the third bullet tore open the side of her stomach, allowing the angry blood ooze out without any restraint.

Her eyes didn't snap shut in pain when the fourth bullet found its way into her shoulder blades, almost enticing a shudder in her whole body. When her mouth moved slightly, as if finally surrendering against her silent battle, the fifth bullet didn't delay in attacking her other shoulder.

Even if those words danced at the tip of her tongue, fighting to come out and blend into that gloomy melancholy of death, she remained frozen when the sixth bullet followed, with the same angry buzz, and punctured her lungs; knocking whatever breath she had left inside of her. Adrianna collapsed at last, her body shook with an intensity similar to the trust that once crumbled brick by brick between her and the ones who now held the bloodied guns.

She wanted to rebel and fight against them, though.

Adrianna Garcia Romero might have put up a fight, had the seventh bullet not fired from his father's gun--piercing her heart and seizing the last flicker of life from her eyes. The tortured world of betrayal, lies, and hatred snuffed shut alongwith her lids.

 The tortured world of betrayal, lies, and hatred snuffed shut alongwith her lids

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